US To Hit Debt Limit On Monday, Dec 31

Fast Gunn's Avatar
At the current rate, the US is going to hit the debt limit on Monday, Dec 31st.

. . . Hey, is anybody minding the store?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When normal people hit their debt limit, they quit spending. If they keep raising their debt limit, nothing good happens. The US Government needs credit counseling, not an increase in the debt limit.
The US Government needs credit counseling, not an increase in the debt limit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You could use a heavy dose of "counseling" yourself!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I found one of the ways the US plans to get emergency funds to be very ironic.

They intend to cut funds they provide to States to help them manage their borrowing!

. . . Hello! Who is helping the US manage their borrowing?

We have the most pathetic and disfunctional government in history. Neither the Dems or the Repubs are interested in doing anything for the country. From my point of view, let's go over the cliff and let's stop spending money when we hit the debt limit. We'll see how fast the fuckers in D.C. reach an agreement to continue to kick the can down the road.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
At the current rate, the US is going to hit the debt limit on Monday, Dec 31st.

. . . Hey, is anybody minding the store?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I'm sure someone is minding the store, not sure who with everyone gone though

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, it's completely understandable for people to take time off for the holidays and President Obama will be back at work on Monday.

The question remains though as why some sort of deal was not hammered out before now.

. . . This crisis was scheduled with plenty of time to take action, but I don't see it!

LovingKayla's Avatar
Are you just now getting to the party? We've been screaming that since Clinton. What are willing to cut there fastgunn? In order to answer properly, the thing cut has to directly effect you. If it doesn't directly affect you and you are still willing to cut it, then you are a true blood democrat.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Well, it's completely understandable for people to take time off for the holidays and President Obama will be back at work on Monday.

The question remains though as why some sort of deal was not hammered out before now.

. . . This crisis was scheduled with plenty of time to take action, but I don't see it!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Ooops, Obie is back this morning to save the day

Fast Gunn's Avatar
My response to that inquiry is fairly straight forward and intuitively obvious to anyone who is not emotionally invested on one side or the other of the argument.

I would impose a 20 to 20% cuts to all programs that can be and should be trimmed back.

I would start with 30% spending cuts on all branches of the Military.

Yes, they're going to scream and protest, but once they go down, then the other branches of government will fall in line.

I would stop the prolonged war in Afghanistan right now. Within 1 month.

. . . Our country cannot continue spending money like a drunken sailor!

Are you just now getting to the party? We've been screaming that since Clinton. What are willing to cut there fastgunn? In order to answer properly, the thing cut has to directly effect you. If it doesn't directly affect you and you are still willing to cut it, then you are a true blood democrat. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FastGoon, I agree with you! Hate to ruin your day like that. But please tell President Obama. Maybe he'll listen to you.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
My response to that inquiry is fairly straight forward and intuitively obvious to anyone who is not emotionally invested on one side or the other of the argument.

I would impose a 20 to 20% cuts to all programs that can be and should be trimmed back.

I would start with 30% spending cuts on all branches of the Military.

Yes, they're going to scream and protest, but once they go down, then the other branches of government will fall in line.

I would stop the prolonged war in Afghanistan right now. Within 1 month.

. . . Our country cannot continue spending money like a drunken sailor!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
FastGoon, I agree with you! Hate to ruin your day like that. But please tell President Obama. Maybe he'll listen to you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think he may be coming around COG! His steering wheel is listing to the right, a little bit at least.
Well, it's completely understandable for people to take time off for the holidays and President Obama will be back at work on Monday.

The question remains though as why some sort of deal was not hammered out before now.

. . . This crisis was scheduled with plenty of time to take action, but I don't see it!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
It's pretty obvious to me why no deal was hammered out as you put it. They don't know how to mitigate the situation. So they'll play "Bullshit Games" with eachother and the citizens of this country. They simply don't know what to do. It's high time we realize this and stop forgeing this romance with this president and this incompatent administration.
Thinking is they all will go over the "cliff" then the new congress will lower taxes,so no one will be accused of raising them.More job security.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
So now what the hell is this?

We're all expecting some major progress, but all we have is "a major setback"?

. . . Wtf is the matter with these damn Republicans throwing a poison pill into the works when the country is at the very precipice of the cliff?