65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Self explanatory. How did this guy get re-elected?

How did this guy get re-elected? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hey dumb ass, how in the hell do you think he "got re-elected?" He got "re-elected" because he got more votes than his opponents! Duh!

Damn, you really are a StupidOldFart!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously, you don't get enough light in the bunker to do your math homework...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, Assup, you're right. Obama has told WAY more than 65 lies.
Obama has told WAY more than 65 lies. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Spoken by a compulsive liar!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Spoken by a compulsive liar! Originally Posted by bigtex
but he is not "liar in chief"
joe bloe's Avatar
This should be the 65 biggest lies. It must have been challenging culling it down to so few. One of his biggest lies is that he's never been favor of a singler payer health care system. There's a video made a couple of years before he denied supporting single payer with Obama saying he's in favor of a single payer system.

The biggest lie Obama told was his oath of office when he swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
This should be the 65 biggest lies. It must have been challenging culling it down to so few. One of his biggest lies is that he's never been favor of a singler payer health care system. There's a video made a couple of years before he denied supporting single payer with Obama saying he's in favor of a single payer system.

The biggest lie Obama told was his oath of office when he swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Originally Posted by joe bloe
  • Laz
  • 12-30-2012, 07:51 AM
He won because he repeated his lies so often that people chose to believe him. Did not make sense to me but in some areas those lies plus special interests are enough.
He won because he repeated his lies so often that people chose to believe him. Did not make sense to me but in some areas those lies plus special interests are enough. Originally Posted by Laz
It was the lies from Romney that America rejected.
bojulay's Avatar
Libtards base their political beliefs on lies and delusion.

Just a question of getting enough Libtards to vote.

Kind of like the builders of the Titanic.

ha ha ha ha
joe bloe's Avatar
Libtards base their political beliefs on lies and delusion.

Just a question of getting enough Libtards to vote.

Kind of like the builders of the Titanic.

ha ha ha ha Originally Posted by bojulay
The reason liberals get elected is that they tell the lies the majority of the people want to hear.

It's not your fault you're poor.
You're poor because rich people have more than they need.
It's morally acceptable to have the government take money from the rich and give it to you.
Success doesn't come from hard work.
If you're a success you don't deserve credit; if you fail you don't deserve to be blamed.
Self explanatory. How did this guy get re-elected? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The thread starter (StupidOldFart) only asked one question in the first post of this thread.

That only question asked was: "How did this guy get re-elected?"

I accurately responded to StupidOldFart's question in the 2nd post of this thread.

The correct answer was: "He got "re-elected" because he got more votes than his opponents!"

Everything else is just water, errrrr sewage under the bridge.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The thread starter (StupidOldFart) only asked one question in the first post of this thread.

That only question asked was: "How did this guy get re-elected?"

I accurately responded to StupidOldFart's question in the 2nd post of this thread.

The correct answer was: "He got "re-elected" because he got more votes than his opponents!"

Everything else is just water under the bridge. Originally Posted by bigtex
You mean "sewage" don't you BT?
  • Laz
  • 12-30-2012, 09:35 AM
It was the lies from Romney that America rejected. Originally Posted by bigtex
Sadly some of the crap he shoveled was indefensible also. It would have been nice to have someone that did not play the political games to support.