CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Even if Congress manages to come up with a solution to avert the “fiscal cliff,” a combination of year-end tax increases and spending cuts, it won’t be worth anything because it’ll probably only deal with tax rates and ignore the problem of runaway government spending, or so say Texas Congressman and former presidential candidate Ron Paul.

“I think we have passed that point of no return where we can actually get our house in order,” Rep. Paul said Friday on CNBC. “I believe there is too much bipartisanship on the spending. Nobody is talking about cutting any spending.”

“Republicans and Democrats,” he continued, “they pretend they’re fighting up there, but they really aren’t. They’re arguing over power, spin, and who looks good, and who looks bad, but they’re all trying to preserve this system where they can spend what they want, take care of their friends, and let the Fed print money when they need it.”

However, that’s not to say Rep. Paul doesn’t believe U.S. lawmakers will come up with temporary solutions to things like the “cliff.”

“[It’ll be] sort of like — how many times have they had a ‘solution’ for the Greece crisis? About ten or 15 times?” the congressman asked, referring to the eurozone’s most unstable and financially broken member.

“There’s no admission that they [U.S. lawmakers] have a crisis. They have no admission that the country is bankrupt. There’s no admission that our government is spending way too much and it’s way beyond our means and there’s not a single bit of effort to cut anything,” the congressman continued.

“They are so they so far removed from admitting the seriousness of this crisis and if they don’t admit it, they can’t solve the problem. They’re like a bunch of drug addicts that just want another fix. That’s what they are looking for,” he concluded:

See the complete CNBC video here:

I will never call myself a Republican again. I learned my lesson. I am a Conservative. Y'all are fuckers...LOL
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
RP seems a nice old guy to have a beer with (unless you take into account the racist shit he allowed to be published under his name in his newsletter), but as far as economics he's a wack job and ferocious proponent of the Austrians. He has no concept of how a fiat monetary system works and wants us back on the gold standard. Though I do agree the Fed needs much more transparency, the rest of his economic proposals are lunacy.

Hell there are a lot of libertarians who are embarrassed by him - http://www.tnr.com/article/94477/ron...arian-ideology

Bottom line is jobs are the problem (which Republicans blocked as much as they could to get rid of Obama and to he'll with the country) not spending and the U. S. can't go broke. That's a fact Jack!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Bankruptcy is a legal process for private citizens. Sovereign currency issuers with fiat monetary systems can't go bankrupt. Paul is right that the 'crisis' is about much more than deficits.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hell there are a lot of libertarians who are embarrassed by him - http://www.tnr.com/article/94477/ron...arian-ideology Originally Posted by austxjr
I'm not one of them.
joe bloe's Avatar
RP seems a nice old guy to have a beer with (unless you take into account the racist shit he allowed to be published under his name in his newsletter), but as far as economics he's a wack job and ferocious proponent of the Austrians. He has no concept of how a fiat monetary system works and wants us back on the gold standard. Though I do agree the Fed needs much more transparency, the rest of his economic proposals are lunacy.

Hell there are a lot of libertarians who are embarrassed by him - http://www.tnr.com/article/94477/ron...arian-ideology

Bottom line is jobs are the problem (which Republicans blocked as much as they could to get rid of Obama and to he'll with the country) not spending and the U. S. can't go broke. That's a fact Jack! Originally Posted by austxjr
Bullshit. We are going broke as we speak. We're printing money like there's no tomorrow. Maybe we won't be technically bankrupt; it doesn't matter what you call it. We have more debt than we can pay and we're adding to it at an insane rate.

We are leaving our children with a crushing debt. The quality of life for the next generation is going to be terrible. Running up the debt instead of cutting spending is immoral.
I'm not one of them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Are you one of the ones suing cities around K.C. because they have laws against open carry?