Anyone see Brianna?

FinnedAgain's Avatar
Has anyone seen Brianna? :

Tried to set up an appt last night. Halfway there she asked me to stop at CVS and get a $100 Amazon gift card and give that to her & $50 cash for a half hour. Said it was safer that way. Anyone hear of anything like that? I kind of get what she's saying but to spring it on me when I'm almost there weirded me out. Needless to say I turned around and headed home. Let me know your input! Thanks!
JRLawrence's Avatar
Has anyone seen Brianna? :

Tried to set up an appt last night. Halfway there she asked me to stop at CVS and get a $100 Amazon gift card and give that to her & $50 cash for a half hour. Said it was safer that way. Anyone hear of anything like that? I kind of get what she's saying but to spring it on me when I'm almost there weirded me out. Needless to say I turned around and headed home. Let me know your input! Thanks! Originally Posted by FinnedAgain
Since when is an Amazon gift card preferred to cash?

That is more then weird, that is just BS crazy without any explaination. The only think I can think of is if she wanted to pass it on as a gift to someone else and you saved her the time to stop at CVS herself.

You did good. At any sign of something weird, just walk away. It is not worth the risk.

This place is good entertainment. Lots of bat shit here.

There's a scam where upon purchasing the card the provider will ask you to send a pic of the card, both front and back, for verification purposes to show that you're serious about meeting up. They then get online and punch in the number and security code and transfer the amount elsewhere or make a purchase with it, leaving you with a now useless card. And if they gave you an address they most certainly won't be there when you show up. You did the right thing turning around and going home.
Had a lady ask for a Visa Green card for 75.00, that I could subtract from donation but that was requested the day before. It wasnt an issue for me, plus my date a month prior to this vouched for her. Ive also had providers ask me to stop and get them a soda. Guess they figure if a dude does that, they are legit, and LE would not do it.

Changing things, or adding requirements 30 minutes prior to appointment isnt good business...I would have bolted too.
There's a scam where upon purchasing the card the provider will ask you to send a pic of the card, both front and back, for verification purposes to show that you're serious about meeting up. Originally Posted by Cormorant123
So the simple solution is to hold off on buying the card and not send photos of the front and back of the card and notify the hooker that you will present the card to her in person when the meeting takes place.

If she refuses, then you walk away. Easy-Peasy.

You guys make this fucks for bucks situation too difficult often times.
Or lick ass for cash. Lol
I get suspicious when all of the activities are left on. Like receiving watersports.... Greek etc.
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