in ...praise a smalls

Plastic Man's Avatar
a current thread has signaled the arrival a the ...time the remainin non male ...lesbian jimmies begin the epic struggle ta ...wrestle this beloved board bouts rentin an usin whores back from the brink a disaster

...fer far too ...long ...has this board languished under the tyranny a jimmies whose balls be not only in the vice ...grip a their fat ol wives but also in the vice grip a fat ol ...funnels merica tryin ta shed the yoke of ...oppression broughts about by eight disastrous ...years a the kenyan an his ...armies a social justice ...warrior scum dwellers this funnel board be ready ta ...elect our own god emperor trump ta makes payin ta split hookers in halfs ...great again!

...let us nots go ...quietly inta that good ...night but lets us resist an crush the cuck site ...refugees who seeks ta destroy this manly an ...righteous way a degradin an takin outs sexual ...frustrations good jimmies have enjoyed since ...our foundin

...fellow funnel fuckers resist by wadin inta this sea ...a crap washin over our homes an push backs against this cuckening!

...may jesus bless the jimmies ...may jesus bless this board an may jesus bless an keep yer ...plastic man

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Sure Plastic Man but maybe instead you could give us a proper "State of the Board" post every 2 weeks or so. Look at is as a team-building thing.

You could let us all know the number of posts the members have cranked out, how many new hooks have chimed in, and also give a formal apology bemoaning how difficult it is to bear the burden of banning people for being rude to fat hookers.
elghund's Avatar
Sure Plastic Man but maybe instead you could give us a proper "State of the Board" post every 2 weeks or so. Look at is as a team-building thing.

You could let us all know the number of posts the members have cranked out, how many new hooks have chimed in, and also give a formal apology bemoaning how difficult it is to bear the burden of banning people for being rude to fat hookers. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
The first sign you've become a male lesbian is giving a fuck about shit like that.......

Now be a good time Ta git it out there....... it's high time our ole Plastic Man start a ........ news letter! A penny fer yer thoughts.......
Plastic Man's Avatar
an a penny ta pull ...yer peter
Think a all them funnels ya kin interview. Just be be sure they speak inta yer mike so ya git a proper recordin fer yer articles.....
Plastic Man's Avatar
by mic da ya mean pecker an by ...speak da ya mean grabbin em by the hairs an makin em ...gag on it

...plastic man the master a romance
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The first sign you've become a male lesbian is giving a fuck about shit like that.......

elg......... Originally Posted by elghund
Couldn't have said it better myself.
by mic da ya mean pecker an by ...speak da ya mean grabbin em by the hairs an makin em ...gag on it

...plastic man the master a romance Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Yip! Er ya kin use the trumpian method n grab em by the pussy. Ya be thinking a writin romance novels?
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
what in the fuck?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Joe Rogan is not a good stand up comedian but he's great at doing interviews stoned and doing stream of consciousness raps on things like male lesbianism.


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I'm guessing that in addition to NOT knowing how to embed a video... you are also incapable of copying and pasting a wercking linck...

Plastic Man's Avatar
fat paulie this thread ...aints good fer ya so why ...nots paddle ...back over ta the beluga tank an clean the crap ...filter
who was the banner?

the one that admits their such an epic fail

that the only way they can cope with some words on a screen

is to pull the plug
Next Best Thing's Avatar
God damn it I knew I fucked up that link.

Anyway it was Joe Rogan giving a crystal-clear explanation of the evolution of a male lesbian. At least for the first couple of minutes or so. The type of thing that even dyed in the wool capons would have no problem would be able to personalize.

Joe is a smart fellow and a great interviewer.