a current thread has signaled the arrival a the ...time the remainin non male ...lesbian jimmies begin the epic struggle ta ...wrestle this beloved board bouts rentin an usin whores back from the brink a disaster
...fer far too ...long ...has this board languished under the tyranny a jimmies whose balls be not only in the vice ...grip a their fat ol wives but also in the vice grip a fat ol ...funnels
...like merica tryin ta shed the yoke of ...oppression broughts about by eight disastrous ...years a the kenyan an his ...armies a social justice ...warrior scum dwellers this funnel board be ready ta ...elect our own god emperor trump ta makes payin ta split hookers in halfs ...great again!
...let us nots go ...quietly inta that good ...night but lets us resist an crush the cuck site ...refugees who seeks ta destroy this manly an ...righteous way a degradin an takin outs sexual ...frustrations good jimmies have enjoyed since ...our foundin
...fellow funnel fuckers resist by wadin inta this sea ...a crap washin over our homes an push backs against this cuckening!
...may jesus bless the jimmies ...may jesus bless this board an may jesus bless an keep yer ...plastic man