To Everyone on the Upstate NY ECCIE Board

I'd just like to wish all members, Male and Female, a Very Merry Christmas or whatever Holiday you may or may not celebrate. (Trying to be PC here)
Whether you are traveling or staying close to home. Be Safe
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Merry Christmas to you as well :-)
Merry Christmas
(Trying to be PC here)

DD14450 Originally Posted by DickDastardly14450
No room for political correctness on a SHMB....
  • VX720
  • 12-24-2015, 10:58 AM
Merry Christmas to you, DD and everyone else!
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Nanu straight up the shazbot in full effect. In a galaxy full of emotion whew

I'd be having a merrier Christmas if the people that drive once or twice a year.... Would pick a better day than Christmas fucking Eve.
Highwayman64's Avatar
Hope all of you have a safe and happy holiday, Merry Christmas everyone!
cravenmorehead's Avatar
  • Bluee
  • 12-25-2015, 09:10 AM
Festivas for the rest of us!
generalbob's Avatar
Didn't get my Christmas Eve bj! Bah humbug!
Lexxxy's Avatar
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah!
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Cheers to an even better 2016 for all!