Baby Dallas

BabyDallass's Avatar
Variety ...what kind of world would we be in if we did`nt have it???

Let me take the time to introduce myself once again, but on another note.

I understand it is hard for alot of you to accept and understand why I do things the way I do. All I ask is respect me Like I do you. Im one of the nicest girls you will ever met and dont only just look to please
physically, but emotionally as well. You dont have to like it, all I ask is respect me like I do any of you. If you have any problems with how I do things or have any questions I would appercaite if you would PM me, instead of gossiping with others who has never even met me. I promise you nobody knows me better than I do, And Im always straight forward and honest with whoever I`m dealing with. Im not a rude person, nor a BITCH as some like to say. Please, get to know someone before you throw them under the bus, Then if they are not your cup of tea, then move on to the next brew. All I ask is if there are any more issues or concerns I`m here and open.

Baby Dallas


NWA Newb's Avatar
PM sent
shorty's Avatar
Well, I liked the way you handled yourself in your own post. It wasn't a post to bash other people. It was well thought out and you took the time to make it clear in your writing.

Have A Safe And Wonderful Merry Christmas!!!
Pleased to meet you again. Difficult thing it is for new provider to accustom self to board where personal items are discussed with frankness not seen nor deemed polite elsewhere in society. It is fact of business chosen that very personal nature of commodity sometime is cause of much confusion. Personal attributes and intimate skills are discussed openly and often insensitively. It is no business for thin skinned or feathers easily ruffled. Unquestioned is right of lady to limit service to that which is comfortable. Conduct self politely and maintain own personal standards while at same time recognizing that acceptance of same is likewise right of persons who choose or decline service.
mssassy's Avatar
way to go dallas. Great Post...
BabyDallass's Avatar
Thank you everyone just wanted to clear the air and make sure we had no misunderstandings! Hope everyone had a great Christmas & have a safe and wonderful new year!!!


Baby Dallas
It's our differences that makes us ,each and every one, unique. Proud of you for this Dallas, YOU make the rules, don't be pressured into doing any thing your not comfortable with.
Thank you Dallas.

SouthernBorn's Avatar
The content of the message is fine; the tone . . . . well, I did not find it endearing.

Anyway, good luck!
Great post, you have been totally honest with me, you need to get the respect you deserve. Hang in there, your are my young lady. Stay Safe BB