Single Hobbyist and Their Impact on the Hobby

After having another hobbyist complaining in another thread about the single guys ruining the hobby for the so Called'old timers".Who supposedly got all this started I thought it would be interesting to find out what others thought about single guys being in the hobby.
I personally am single but definitely not some young guy just looking for a quick lay as the poster stated.I am upper middle aged and happen to enjoy the company of the many beautiful ladies that I have been meeting since starting the hobby.
I ask , do the ladies like the single guys and some of the freedoms that it allows them as for texting and or contacting the clients without fear of reprisals? Or would they prefer the married guys and keeping things on the down low.
Do they even have a preference?
I would think the influx of $$$ from the single guys would be a nice addition to their incomes.Plus no worries about SO's or wives calling to threaten you ,etc,etc.
I'm sure there will be some guys who try to get too close but I'm sure married guys are apt to do the same.
Personally I don't see why the married guys should even complain,more money means more ladies and a wider variety of women to choose from.
There is no reason why they can't keep doing things the way they have in the past as long as they follow the same rules they came up with themselves.If they have a problem with the ladies communicating with them just say so or get a hobby phone and use it accordingly.
All of us new guys appreciate their efforts to make the hobby a safe place and certainly don't want any friction among us.We are all in the hobby to enjoy ourselves.
You other single guys let us know who you are.I have a feeling we may be outnumbering the married guys already or soon will be.If so then the hobby will probably change to accommodate us.Change is inevitable, don't fight it embrace it and use it to your best advantage.
I personally enjoy the hobby for all the benefits it gives me.Instead of spending a fortune on regular dates ,etc in the real world I can spend the same or much less and leave satisfied .
I would appreciate any other "positive" thoughts from all the other hobbyists and the ladies especially.You want to post negatives,start your own thread.Lets keep this one light.
Are we singles guys wanted???
For me, it doesn't matter whether my client is single or married. The most important thing to me is discretion. I know the married guys appreciate that as much as I do!
For me, it doesn't matter whether my client is single or married. The most important thing to me is discretion. I know the married guys appreciate that as much as I do! Originally Posted by JamieYoung
I totally agree. I don't contact my friends AT ALL, unless they have requested to be on my mailing list for travel and updates. But if a guy allows certain communications to occur between him and a provider because he's single, that provider should not take that as any indication that you communicate with everyone that way.
I'm one of those single guys. In my experience, I don't think it really matters to a provider. A Benjamin is still a Benjamin whether it's coming from a single guy or married guy. Whenever I'm meeting someone new, I actually don't even tell her I'm single. Eventually, they always ask if I'm married, but I'm not sure the reason why.
I'm single and the hobby has been great to me for the most part. I've met a ton of amazing women (and even developed great friendships with a few hobbyists and women - some single, some married). I try not to judge others, but some of you know my personal take on the hobby: I will only do this if I'm single.
The single guys get too P4P more (I would think) and post reviews that I can use to my advantage. So most of my P4P comes from the single guys reviews.

Keep up the good work single guys
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 05-25-2010, 11:45 PM
I am single and have really enjoyed getting to know and learning from some really interesting people and their life experiences. I am with Neotek in that I would not continue if I was in a committed relationship, but if my SO wanted to join me in this venture, I do believe many providers are willing to see couples

I am with looiecypher in that I am a bit confused as to why any married hobbiest would really care. A provider can choose who she would like to spend time with. If a provider would like to spend time with a single or married hobbyiest, that is her choice.

Any friend of mine can call or text me at any time. That is a nice advantage of being single.

I have heard stories about providers trying to "out" married hobbiests so for us single gents that pretty much is a nonissue as we have no SO.

I am enjoying my venture but I also know that at some point this venture will end. But doesn't it end for all of us at some point?
...I will only do this if I'm single. Originally Posted by Neotek
This seems to be a common belief among single hobbiests. Whenever I get into a serious relationship, I stop as well. After meeting someone new, a question I often get asked is how long I've been doing this. When I get to the part about taking a break for 2 years, her response is always "because you were in a relationship?"

It is nice to be able to take a provider out in public without having to worry about running into people I know in the outside world. If it does happen, they just assume I'm on a regular date.

As paying customers we have a choice in who we want to see. Likewise, providers have every right to be selective in who they see.
PT-109's Avatar
I never hobbied when i was married. I thought about, but never did. (OK- I thought about it a lot; especially during those multi-month dry spells...Nothing says "I love you" like "Hands off.")

Anyway, I LOVE the hobby. And I enjoy the company/ companionship. When I see my ATF's, It's like seeing an old friend. AND there's a some huba-huba. We catch up on what's going on, and then there's a little hokey-poke.

Fact is, I don't know if I'd be able to date in the real world. "What? No L2? Common baby. At least gimme me some L1..." The hobby is sex without begging. What an amazing concept.

*** Best line in Pulp Fiction: Fabian wants oral pleasure. Bruce Willis replies, "Will you kiss it?" ***
Single, never married and without SO in my case.

I think the issue in the other thread was a married guy that was clueless about how to have a hobby phone. Bad combination to be naive, married, and enjoy this hobby. There are many ways he could have solved the issue of unrequested text messages or calls, including having a google phone attached to his hobby phone. And having a hobby phone in the first place.

I don't know why anybody should be telling providers their real personal information, including being married. If a provider asks me what I do for living, I invent every single time a new story. Don't think is wise to share real personal info here.
As usual, there's no way to lump a whole group of gents into one category...problematic or desired for or by the ladies.

I'd venture to say there are problems with guys on both sides of the matrimony fence. Being married or single doesn't mean someone knows how to, or how not to act.

I know married guys who are so desperate for attention, affection and simple human courtesy, that they can easily fall for a provider who shows them some that much needed affection. Matter of fact. here's a thread that might indicate a married guy got a bit carried away:

On the other hand, I know single guys (like me) who want no part of marriage, and run the other way as soon as the heat of a relationship turns up. But I don't think there are hard and fast rules that apply, married or single.

And we all have different rules. I chose not to let the hobby life cross over into my real life, simply because the likelihood of drama and worse is too great to risk. (Just refer to the thread referenced above. Who needs that drama?) Plus, I'm here between relationships to keep it simple. Anything beyond that is just too complicated.

My currently devalued $.02

Married? Single? It certainly doesn't matter to me one way or the other. I am an equal opportunity provider! LOL!

I would have thought that perhaps single gentlemen would have an easier time scheduling but then I remembered SOMEONE here who is almost IMPOSSIBLE to schedule who happens to be single! I'm not going to say any names...

It's ALL good!
St.Mateo's Avatar
I am single and I have been married raised my kids had the love of my life .
Now I just do not have time for any type of committed relationship Do I want one ?
Depends on who it is... Reality is it isnt being looked for or even on my mind.......
Married? Single? It certainly doesn't matter to me one way or the other. I am an equal opportunity provider! LOL!

I would have thought that perhaps single gentlemen would have an easier time scheduling but then I remembered SOMEONE here who is almost IMPOSSIBLE to schedule who happens to be single! I'm not going to say any names...

It's ALL good! Originally Posted by vnurse
Tisk, tisk...wish I didn't have to pack a lunch to get over your way my dear. And if I recall, there have been a number of fantasy invitations extended your way. LOL

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...until we meet again!
I'm only single cuz no one's liked it enough to put a ring on it.