Our Illusionary hobby

So... I'll probably get my balls busted for this, but it is on my mind, something I have noticed, and shoot, have got nothing better to do than write about it.

In numerous providers ads, it seems to me, most women think they have a certain ' something ' which none of the others have. Ergo: ' A night Of Ecstacy ', 'nothing like you have ever experienced, ' I am the best ', ' why waste your time on the others ' etc.. Paraphrasing here, of course, but the adverlying (sic ) underscores their perspective they possess something unlike any other.

Am I bitching ? Kinda. But it is only pussy ! Every guy in here has had plenty of pussy, and for the most part, what the providers have is nothing special, other than it IS PUSSY ! Men crave, love, seek pussy from the time they are 12 to their dying day. I love it. And I am going to spend more money purchasing it. Truth.

What the providers offer is strange / new pussy for a price. No haggle, no romance dance, dating, waiting until the 3rd date, but pussy RIGHT now for a price. I like that. Makes sense to me.

Just as the hobbyists are nothing special, dare I say the providers are in the same arena as that, other than the fact we can give them paper and they will give us pussy. Some are nicer than others, some are saner than others, some have nicer tits, ass, etc. One or two things which catches a hobbyist's eyes and lust.

Sure, there are providers which, individually, we hit it off with, and that makes it much more fun. When the chemistry is right, fucking is the best. However, most of the time, it is only the illusion of passion, and a lot of the times it is very mechanical. But for me, fucking a woman is almost always more fun than jacking off. I say almost. Sometimes it ain't. Truth.

Most of the providers I have encountered were okay. A few were great. More than a few were nothing special, and several I couldn't wait to get away from. Hell, I paid them so I could leave !

Legendary ? Nah. The best are the fun fucks: Women who enjoy fucking, the chemistry is right,and it is mutually beneficial, sexually and financially. Some are even rather attractive. Of course, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And this is where I think I am gonna be attacked: Most of the women are not much better than 7.5's, IMHO. Some are. But their ego's allow them to be 10's.

I also think there are a great percentage of providers who HATE what they are doing. And they hate men, too. They do this because is an age proven avenue to make cash, the end goal. Ok. You must do what you can to survive.

I ain't no prize, I know that. Truth. My stick shift is only slightly better than average, I am good with that. I have cash, and, damned straight, that makes me more attractive. Truth ! I love to eat pussy, and have more than several women tell me I am great at it. Again, that was them saying it, both on and off the clock. But, I have cash. Therefore I AM ! LOL!
Well said
Why do you think you'll get your balls busted for this? In my opinion, all that you said is direct, true and to the point. Regarding your statement about some providers that hate men….it's just human nature. If they have been doing this (and/or other sexually oriented profession) since they are young and this is their only way to support themselves…they will only see men from THIS point of view. It will harden them, make them jaded and hard to survive in the real world. This is all they know! They see infidelity, asshole men who treat them like meat, yea they hate men…maybe even without them realizing it. They start having an attitude to protect themselves and I see a lot of providers' posting that show this. But at the same time, they have no other means to live, so they continue in this profession. They're stuck….they become emotionally unstable with no one to help….and it keeps going downhill from there. I didn't even know that this 'hobby' existed until 3 years ago.
I find a lot of men on here are the same way. They have hatred against women, they are disrespectful and put women down, it's all about ego and power. But underneath it all, we are just people…different people with different background and I don't have to make everyone my friends. :-)
I think your post is good.
Because I was making a statement which in all likely hood would offend many women's egos.

It makes me so very sad to know so many women out there have been sexually abused and demeaned in their lives which lead them to this life. I have seen it many times. But it truly breaks my heart. Am I contributing to this ? Am I just as guilty as their previous perpetrators were / are ?

I have been mean to some of the providers here also, but I was initially reacting to their craziness. But shoot, there is so much more in underlying pain which the Illusion covers up. And a craving for just simple human acceptance, respect, and love, real love, not horizontal mambo. The Human Condition is rather complicated.

I stay away from the walking wounded. I am attracted to the real sluts ( like myself ) who love to fuck, to fuck around, to experiment, to celebrate cumming, and all things associated therein. And get paid for it. THEY DO EXIST ! I have met more than a few, here and in the RW....

AND, this all ain't all on the women either... Let Me Make this Perfectly Clear : so many of the men wouldn't be able to have an entree into obtaining pussy unless this hobby existed.

I love women. I love to fuck them too. I mean with them, together, finding liberation in orgasms, escaping the ' norms ' of society ( which is as carzily fucked up as anything in here ), of tits and ass, wet and wanton desires of the Flesh, and all the hidden secrets / treasures just waiting to be found.
I love women. I love to fuck them too. I mean with them, together, finding liberation in orgasms, escaping the ' norms ' of society ( which is as carzily fucked up as anything in here ), of tits and ass, wet and wanton desires of the Flesh, and all the hidden secrets / treasures just waiting to be found. Originally Posted by crashkopf
I love this last sentence! It sounds like you're on the podium reading the Declaration of Independence or something. Very inspiring! LOL
lily blake's Avatar
We know we are not 10s that's why we do not charge 1000/hr. Dallas hobbyists are soo spoiled, some towns would love to have our girls.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-03-2013, 12:02 PM
Not only is everything written in this thread true, and that includes the responders, but I've found the same phenomena in the BBQ business! They all claim to have the best BBQ, but in most cases, it is just another satisfying meal from most, greatness from some, and a letdown from others. Plus, every state thinks theirs is the best....
Idk man. Joe Allen's BBQ is pretty Fcuking tasty.
but I've found the same phenomena in the BBQ business! They all claim to have the best BBQ, but in most cases, it is just another satisfying meal from most, greatness from some, and a letdown from others. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Well told. And to paraphrase a classic ZZTop bumper sticker...

Pussy be like good BarBQue...bear down on the meat and ease up on the potato salad.

Amen. OP was truthful and direct and shame on any of us who really believe in Cash for Kismet. Cinderella doesn't work here, neither does Prince Charming. Take anything home from this besides a temporary warm fuzzy feeling, you're fooling yourself. Nothing is more over rated than a bad fuck or under rated than a good shit!
Well told. And to paraphrase a classic ZZTop bumper sticker...

Pussy be like good BarBQue...bear down on the meat and ease up on the potato salad.

Amen. OP was truthful and direct and shame on any of us who really believe in Cash for Kismet. Cinderella doesn't work here, neither does Prince Charming. Take anything home from this besides a temporary warm fuzzy feeling, you're fooling yourself. Nothing is more over rated than a bad fuck or under rated than a good shit! Originally Posted by phildo
You are FUCKING correct ! Man, what was I thinking ? Or, maybe I was thinking too much.

Thanks for bringing me back to reality !

And where is Joe Allens ?
West Texas somewhere. Their super yummy awesome potato salad is the perfect compliment to their super yummy tangy smokey sweet spicy awesome sauce. Its the bomb diggity.
Iaintliein's Avatar
We know we are not 10s that's why we do not charge 1000/hr. Dallas hobbyists are soo spoiled, some towns would love to have our girls. Originally Posted by dallastxbaby
Or maybe other towns are deprived? I take exception to the term "spoiled". You see, that word has been used as the reason I don't get the things at home I come here to find for decades, "don't want to 'spoil' you. . . etc.".

So, with all due respect most of us are not children, most of us are not wealthy, and some of us are pretty damned far from "spoiled".
I can't blame providers for trying to differentiate themselves in their advertising with a bit of bragging and hyperbole - and if they do it well they can create a unique image for themselves that generates business. Of course, the challenge then is to live up to that promise but that's another thread.

I do appreciate it when a provider is able to inject a bit of humor in her promotional efforts; providers who seems smart and comfortable with themselves are that much sexier–to me at least.
I always say I give the best BBBJ and have the wettest pussy even and I've never been been accused of false advertising...ijs
I always say I give the best BBBJ and have the wettest pussy even and I've never been been accused of false advertising...ijs Originally Posted by LilMynx69
C'mon you TEASE, you...Prove it, lol