I'm looking for a provider and a hobbyist for a sociological experiment: Our interpretations of encounters are vastly different, to the extent that if a provider were to read a review by a hobbyist, she might not recognize anything from their encounter but her name!
I want to follow the contacts between the two, ride along with the hobbyist, video record the encounter (as a non-participant), and then have all three of us write a review of the experience as best we can recall, then test our memories against the footage.
I think it will be really interesting to see how the different parties interpreted the event, and fodder for some interesting conversation on the board (thus posting in Co-ed instead of ISO). The point really is to admit that our memories are fallible and appreciate that our perspectives can be very different and yet both positive. This may also give us some insight on effective review writing both above the fold and in the ROS
To apply, PM 3daygetaway. Applicants must be prepared to write a review in detail about contact (booking, directions, etc), appearances living up to expectations(physical, location, bedroom), passion/IOP, activities completed (not in great detail, but in sequence and frequency), and demeanor throughout. And obviously, be willing to be filmed and proven wrong by the tape!
Can I get some volunteers, please?