Providers and their "time of the month"

The Sampler's Avatar this is really just me ranting...but seriously - WTF ladies...if you are on your period what are you thinking when you continue to schedule appointments with clients??!!

This girl shall remain nameless, my intent here is not to hurt her ...but I need to vent my frustration openly and maybe if there are other providers out there reading this that are pulling the same shit but dont realize the impact you are having on your business...let this serve as free business advice. I have been seeing this Asian Indy probably 10-15 or so times over the past 2 I would say I am probably considered a regular in her book. Probably on my 4th visit, we are in Doggie and as I pop and pull out my dick is just covered in blood. My first thought is "Did I hurt her?" but then (probably seeing the confused look on my face) she quickly confesses she is on her period. WTF? Needless to say I beeline it to the shower...she is apologetic and I tell her..."Look if you are on your period just tell me and I will reschedule - no big deal...But going forward with the session is both nasty and frankly not very safe for either of us". She agrees, apologizes, wont happen again...blah blah blah. So earlier this week I call and schedule with her again...sure enough - Same shit again! For the doubters out there that think that maybe she just magically started her period and I cant hold that against her...when I replayed the session in my mind after the event, I even remember her wiping her pussy with kleenex looking at it and then throwing it away. At the time (and it was fairly dark in the room) I didnt think much of it...for what I knew it could just be excess lube she was wiping off.

My Result: I will never see this provider again!

Do the Math ladies!
your beeline after they sprayed with luminol...

sorry about that dude, but you might have to ask when you're scheduling if auntie's come to visit or not, as I hear about this problem more often than I care for. There's other ways around it, but bleeding all over someone is not the way to go. On the other hand, you'd be surprised that there are some guys that don't mind/like it like that..
LexusLover's Avatar
... there are some guys that don't mind .... it like that.. Originally Posted by luxury daphne
... +1 ...

and I've heard the rumor that some ladies are "hotter" around that time!
The Sampler's Avatar
Great Pic Daphne! That put a smile on my face
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-11-2010, 06:49 PM
You never go back after the first time. I totally write off any chick that gets to service me during that time, its over and you won't see me again. If I liked that I would request it and in no way will I ever request that. I won't smash my own girl during that time so please let me know to reschedule please.
I think the first reaction is, "ugh, you got to be kidding'. But, once you get very familliar with someone, things like this seem to simply become a minor distraction, simply limiting a few menu items, or perhaps not.

Now you can all go back to saying "ugh'
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-11-2010, 06:51 PM
do you pay a limited menu price?
Great Pic Daphne! That put a smile on my face Originally Posted by The Sampler

This is a better version
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
That totally sucks and she should have informed you. My cycles start rather quickly and it has always been a fear of mine that it will start during an appointment. Thankfully as of now my fears are unfounded.

Was that to much information?
The G.O.A.T's Avatar

If the toilet looks like this... Do Not Pass GO!!!
wow.. that's gross
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Come on ladies, if you haven't figured out the make-up sponge trick then just offer a french or french/greek session.

Yea sometimes it just starts but why are you cutting it sooooo close? By this time you should know how to count.
look our bills dont stop when our periods start we have to work! Fellas you take a week off of work for something you have no control over and see how that goes just deal with what mother nature has sent our way or your way and have fun any way you can
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 12-11-2010, 11:57 PM
At my age and how long I have been in this hobby, I just go with the "flow"!
kerwil62's Avatar
Ugghhhh that shit is just nasty!!!