Sex is great and all but WHY must there be strong everlasting smells associated with it?

I got some AM pussy this morning, ran out and went to work and my area is smelling like latex and vagina.

Before thoroughly washing my hand it smelled like latex and that was from beating my shit with a condom on.

I quit DIGITS with females due to a horrible college experience where she was not trying to intercourse for reputation reason and offered me a five finger downgrade and I attempted to make her cum three times that night. Fucking stench wouldn't go away for a week and a half.

Then I remember high school raw dogging and mutual genital rubbing all night with my girlfriend then the next morning having to go to football practice and having my whole jock area smell like vagina mixed with man must. It intensified with the sweating and working out. I was surprised no one called me out for getting some pussy. But that wouldn't be something to be ashamed about..
Wakeup's Avatar
I got some AM pussy this morning, ran out and went to work and my area is smelling like latex and vagina. Originally Posted by coefficient
Surprised you, of all people, had that smell...just sayin'...
Bums me out Dude.....
lizardking's Avatar
Before thoroughly washing my hand it smelled like latex and that was from beating my shit with a condom on. Originally Posted by coefficient
Can't even trust yourself, eh?

At least your johnson won't have that funky "hand smell".
Can't even trust yourself, eh?

At least your johnson won't have that funky "hand smell". Originally Posted by lizardking
No, because she didn't have another condom We had to make due with that used condom.
Wakeup's Avatar
No, because she didn't have another condom We had to make due with that used condom. Originally Posted by coefficient
Oh my god...:facepalm:
lizardking's Avatar
No, because she didn't have another condom We had to make due with that used condom. Originally Posted by coefficient
I don't understand this at all.

Why were you lopin' your mule while sheathed?

Do you usually put on a fresh condom before you finish yourself off? I know that if I have to do it myself, my so-called "provider" is going to come out looking like she just took a ride on a Krispy Kreme machine, like it or not.

Who/what precisely is in the intended beneficiary of this sort of "protection"? You? Your hand? Your dick? (Are you too rough with yourself?) The girl? The general environment?

Logistically, I just don't get it at all.
boardman's Avatar
Oh my god...:facepalm: Originally Posted by Wakeuр
The 18th can't get here fast enough, huh?
Maybe you should start early.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
You know these days they have these hitech items called showers and soap. They work wonders.
I don't understand this at all.

Why were you lopin' your mule while sheathed?

Do you usually put on a fresh condom before you finish yourself off? I know that if I have to do it myself, my so-called "provider" is going to come out looking like she just took a ride on a Krispy Kreme machine, like it or not.

Who/what precisely is in the intended beneficiary of this sort of "protection"? You? Your hand? Your dick? (Are you too rough with yourself?) The girl? The general environment?

Logistically, I just don't get it at all. Originally Posted by lizardking

C'mon Man!
Haven't you heard of "Handarea", that dreaded social disease!
I guess I am as perplexed about this post as some others. Shower, Soap, Water, Scrub, Rinse, Dry Off, put on cloths.

Heck, all these years I thought this was simple hygiene.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
Ever heard of bleach?
Wakeup's Avatar
I think you're missing something. I interpret his comment to mean "I came in the condom, and because she didn't have another one, I left it on while I jacked myself to get hard again and then we fucked again."

Jut sayin'...
lizardking's Avatar
I think you're missing something. I interpret his comment to mean "I came in the condom, and because she didn't have another one, I left it on while I jacked myself to get hard again and then we fucked again." Originally Posted by Wakeuр
That makes sense. However, if that's what the OP intended to express, it is less than clear. I suppose he's not particularly articulate or eloquent. I mean, when would one get "AM pussy" except in the morning, right? On the other hand, perhaps he meant that as a clever description of sex accompanied by annoying static (as, unfortunately, it so often is). I don't know.
Put down the Trojans!!! Those condoms smell to high heavens and make anyone who touches them smell of their disgusting stinch as well... NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAsty!!! I'm just saying...