Do you call a stripper once they give you the digits?

Shake_N_Bake's Avatar
So what do you guys do after you pull a stripper's phone number? Do you call her? If so, how long do you wait so call? Given to volume of men she is exposed to she might forget about you if you let too much time go by.

If you do call her and she remembers you, then what? Is she looking to buy some lap dances on the outside? Or is she looking for your money in some other way? Are you looking to start a relationship?

I am new to the scene out in Houston and getting digits from a stripper is new to me (happens in Houston way more than what I was used to). I have pulled a ton of digits from strippers digits in the three years I have been in Houston. I am very skeptical so I never call. Sometimes they want my number and in this case I usually just give a fake number but the times I have given my real number they alway text me, they never call. It's always something like, "am I going to see you tonight (at the sc).

So let's hear your stories. What is the best story you have about getting a stripper's digits? Is it worth it, or do you just disregard them like I do?
It's always something like, "am I going to see you tonight (at the sc)." Originally Posted by Shake_N_Bake
macksback's Avatar
If i get their number, I call later that night and try to have sex.
Wakeup's Avatar
Hundreds of times. I call or text the next day and see if she wants to get together outside the club. Almost always they're up for it.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Throw the number away.

Seriously it probably wont work within 2 weeks. Your call will go to Voicemail....which will probably be full.

If you wait more than 1 day she will not have a clue who you are...probably won't know the same day.

In all seriousness unless you have seen her at the club for a substantial period of time all you will get from her is" o baby...come see me NOW"

if she gave it to you on your first visit she also gave it to 20 other guys that day and every other day.

If you don't believe me...wait a week and go see her...she probably won't remember you and damn sure won't remember your name...even if you had sex ( which she never does in the were special)
Shake_N_Bake's Avatar
My thoughts exactly!!
Hawkeye's Avatar
I can't remember ever speaking with a dancer on the phone. I never call them.

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 12-19-2010, 09:11 PM
" The cricket number you have called is not in service".... Lol
mietk's Avatar
  • mietk
  • 12-19-2010, 10:49 PM
" The cricket number you have called is not in service".... Lol Originally Posted by Satino
Satino that is a classic!

I never take their numbers instead I let them call their phone from mine so my number will show up. IF they can remember who I was the next morning, or run to their locker to save my name, they can call me or typically text me.

I give them the same line they'd give me........'Who is this? Where did we meet?' It usually sets them back on their heels and brings them back to reality, then we can have a conversation.
starflash's Avatar
It always sounds like a great idea in the club to get a dancer's # in order to arrange something OTC, But by the time I make to my car in the parking lot the concept has lost its glitter. And by the next day I'm totally off the reservation........Over the years have collected countless numbers and have yet to call one...........
Wayward's Avatar
Santio is on a roll!

Just to follow along with mietk and the other boys in the band, I have a pretty narrow range of interests with strippers, if we share common ground most of the time I'll hear from them. If not then the chase is more than likely going to be a waste of time. Fortunately the clubs are an excellent natural habitat for cage girls.

It's also really important to be to busy for them, at least at first; they aren't used to that and it upsets the balance of power in their minds. If you want to date one and I strongly recommend not doing that ever, on more than a casual basis, the best lure is to be dating another stripper. For some reason in the stripper mental shopping mall, they want whatever other strippers have. This applies to shoes, purses and of course her man. If you can get two Latina strippers that happen to be sisters, interested at the same time this is ideal. It can also lead to being stabbed... but afterwards still thinking it was worth it.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I've been involved with to strippers personally and I won't do it again. Hang out, sex, bullshit, ect. then yes I'll mess around with them. Anything more than that I'm out.
Wakeup's Avatar
My phone is crazy like that. I have dozens of girls with the last name of "Club" in there. I have them for three reasons. One, so I know who to pick up when they call and want to fuck. Two, because I know who to let go to voicemail when they call and want to fuck. Three, so I can brag to my friends, and yet have Satin insult me by saying, "Shit, you only got 182 stripper numbers in there? You ain't a true playa'."

Not all the numbers work now, but every number in there has worked at least once for a fuck...
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 12-20-2010, 09:44 AM
WU, man has your phone been blowing up more the closer we get to Christmas? At the end of the month? Lol Yea, mine is arranged the same way, even though they change clubs a lot. My contact list for strippers is off the charts bro. But I only néed it once...stick- n- move bro....

We should trade....
This thread is university-level Intro to Pimpin'.

Satin, you should pick a lucky Eccie member every month just to go to the club with you and be mentored. It's time to give back.