How many has this happened to?

TemptationTammie's Avatar
How many of us have had either a client or provider that you've seen before decide to NCNS but have a review that they've seen someone else that day or the next?
Would you give them another chance or completely write them off?
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 06-30-2014, 10:34 PM
Not sure I'd write them off, but it would probably a long time before I schedule with them again.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have had that had once or twice and while its a sucky feeling at the end of the day this is how I make my money so if they contact me again in the future I will see them. If it happens a second time then I am done and wont give a third chance
TemptationTammie's Avatar
On the other side of things...
If you were the one that did the NCNS, would you expect the lady or gent to forget and move on like nothing happened?
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 06-30-2014, 11:35 PM
Yes I would. Reason: 1) I don't do this. If I did then it would show that I have changed and not for the better. 2) it has only happened once, and that one time, I contacted the lady and explained as soon as possible that I could not make it. If I schedule a time, I have every intention to keep that appointment, otherwise I don't make an appointment. As well, I expect the same professionalism in return.

[EDIT TO ABOVE] When I say "yes I would" I mean "Yes, I would expect her to not see me again." (I misread before responding)
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
On the other side of things...
If you were the one that did the NCNS, would you expect the lady or gent to forget and move on like nothing happened? Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
NoIi would expect them to be upset with me but would hope they would give a chance to do the right thing esp since something would need to be seriously wrong for me to pull one of those.In the 10 years I have been providing I have never once ncns'ed someone.
ck1942's Avatar
It's called "double booking" or maybe even triple. Happens way too often.

Dude wants to make sure his number 1 pick shows up so he books a back up plan B.

imo, the provider who has been NCNS's should weigh/evaluate whatever the dude's excuse was at the time. Definitely if it appears to be a double booking, ask him for a cancellation/no show fee - you can never get the time back. If he complies, you can label him "righteous." If not, report the dude to the ladies who vouched for him. Post it also in the ladies' only areas.

Guys do pretty much the same when they are NCNS'd.

Show no mercy!
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I can only speak for myself, but I would move on to the next.

I am only interested in seeing men that genuinely are interested in me, and not just a hole.

I have NEVER double booked. (Hell RARELY see 2-3 gents a month, but I am not the norm) So I do not take well when gents double book with me. Not saying I go all crazy or anything, I just am not as willing to drop panties when the common courtesy isn't flowing both ways.


~Genesis Nicole~

Schmafty's Avatar
If a provider were to NCNS on me, several factors would probably come into play in deciding next steps:

1) How badly I wanted to see that particular provider (i.e. how attracted I am)
2) History of this type of activity
3) Offer of an excuse or apology after the fact

Essentially, if the girl has a reputation for leaving guys high and dry, and/or offers no (good) reason or mea culpa for the missed session, then I'm not likely to try and reschedule unless she's at the tip-top of my list or otherwise special in some way. If this is a first time offense, and the provider has a legitimate excuse and is apologetic, then sure, let's try again. Things happen.

I'd probably expect something similar from a provider if I were to NCNS. Fortunately, I never have, but I did have to pull a last-minute cancellation one time when my car actually broke down on the way to a session.
ck1942's Avatar
There's a 100 mile divide twixt NCNS and cancellation.

TemptationTammie's Avatar
There's a 100 mile divide twixt NCNS and cancellation.

ijs Originally Posted by ck1942
Completely true. Cancelling, even if last minute, shows respect for the other person's time. NCNS keeps the person waiting and could cost the lady money if it's a regular and someone who usually shows up so she turns down other appts thinking the guy is just running late.
For me, any NCNS it is a "once bitten twice shy" thing. There is only one exception: cock-blocking/double-booking. Sounds like that is the gist of this thread.

I have been cock-blocked twice. Both of the ladies didn't NCNS, but one cancelled the appointment just as I was headed out the door. The other cancelled the appointment when I was halfway to her incall. I later saw a review written on both of them at the same time/day that I was supposed to see them. All I will say is that I chose never to see them again.
Little Monster's Avatar
not only will I never bother with her again, but I will make sure to rip her ass on the board every chance I get.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
not only will I never bother with her again, but I will make sure to rip her ass on the board every chance I get. Originally Posted by Little Monster
You gents can get away with that, where if it happens to us ladies, we can't or we'd get a bad rep as being a bitch, even if we aren't one. LOL.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 07-01-2014, 12:30 PM
You gents can get away with that, where if it happens to us ladies, we can't or we'd get a bad rep as being a bitch, even if we aren't one. LOL. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
I think if a guy NCNS you that he is no better and deserving of the same ass whipping the NCNS gals get. It's outright disrespect for someone. It only takes a few seconds to text or call and say, something happened, I can't make it.

I will never see EFN again because she has no respect for her customers. Too many guys have driven across town to her incall to have her leave them sitting in the car with no reply (including me) … that is straight up disrespect. On top of that, she has never once taken ownership of her actions and offered an apology to anyone she has done this to (that I know of). If a guys has a rep for doing this kind of stuff all the time, he deserves to have his ass ripped all over the boards. If you treat someone with respect you deserve to be treated with respect. If you don't, well then you get what you deserve.