Marie.'s Avatar
why he did this to us ? i dont know but im highly PO about it!
guy by the handle name of Mrsuitguy
he wanted to hang out with my friend and i so we agreed to spend the afternoon together , food & drinks at the pool ( mind you its memorial day) mrsuitguy send us and address down town so its was about 25 min from us.
we tell him were few min away he said he was parking , and we walk uup to this mexican food place only for him NOT to be there and the PLACE WAS CLOSED!!!! WTF type of shit is this!!! We were literally standing around looking STUPID.
so since he said this food place was right around the corner from his home and his pool we walked to his apartments a few blocks down.
and of corse he is no where to be seen....

not only was it LITERALLY HOT AS HELL my gf were DRIPPING down sweat, he wasted our TIME,(everyone knows time is $$) plus our money paying for gas AND THE EXPENSIVE ASS PARKING DOWNTOWN!!!
> Now obvisouly reason why im writing a review on him bc he wasted our time ... so ladies be careful be cautious if planning on meeting with this cat... wasted our time had us drive miles , pay for parking JUST for him to stop texting back when we arrived !
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
Some jerks get off on wasting providers' time
Screen thoroughly and you should be able avoid them
Link his profile here and post an alert in the ladies only area
You will be fine
DaChef's Avatar
Have you’ve seen this guy before?