BREAKING: Financial Disclosure Documents Reveal Fetterman Hired 2 Convicted Murderers on Campaign

berryberry's Avatar
Washington, D.C. — John Fetterman’s campaign employs not one, but TWO convicted murderers on his campaign for Senate.


Dennis and Lee Horton were convicted of murder. [Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Lee Horton, CP-51-CR-0731772-1993, Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, 7/27/93]

Dennis and Lee Horton are paid staffers on John Fetterman’s campaign for Senate. []

Fetterman on Horton: “The trajectory of my career in public service will be determined by their freedom or lack thereof.” [Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/11/22]

John Fetterman supports eliminating life sentences for murder. [Pennsylvania Capital Star, 6/1/21]

John Fetterman says I’m “trying to get as many folks out” as possible. [Politico, 4/16/21]

In the four years he recommended 46 commutations of life sentences compared to just six in Wolf’s first term, none under Corbett and five under Rendell. [Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/11/22]

Pardon recommendations increased 55% under Fetterman over Wolf’s first term, 155% over Corbett’s term, and 118% over Rendell’s second term. [Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/11/22]

Fetterman wants to release one-third of Pennsylvania’s prison population saying, “we could reduce our prison population by 1/3 and not make anyone less safe in Pennsylvania.” [Fetterman video]

Fetterman appointed a staffer to the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons who wants to eliminate mandatory life sentences for first- and second-degree murderers. [BOP.PA.GOV]

Statement from NRSC Spokeswoman Lizzie Litzow: “John Fetterman has a long record of being soft on crime, which he constantly tries to hide from voters and the press. He wants to release one-third of inmates onto Pennsylvania’s streets and now has two convicted murderers working on his campaign. He needs to start putting Pennsylvania communities ahead of murderers and other criminals and can start by firing the two convicted murderers he’s employed.”
berryberry's Avatar
So not only does Sloth Fetterman employ convicted murders on his campaign, he is bragging about releasing more criminals back on the streets than every other administration in PA history combined.

We need to make room for the J6ers and all the Trumpers planning on rioting after the midterms. They’re gonna be pissed if they don’t have Dr. Oz leading their party.
So like, should convicted felons not be able to work after they get out?

I just now realized who those guys were. Didn't it turn out that they were actually innocent the whole time and were falsely imprisoned for decades?
berryberry's Avatar
Nope - Lee and Dennis Horton robbed a bar,

Dennis Horton shot 3 people, murdering 1, injuring 2.

Many witnesses identified them, along with ballistics, lots of evidence, and they lost many appeals.

Governer Wolf simply commuted their sentences after 28 years and put them back on the street

They are still convicted murderers
bambino's Avatar
Mebbe they’ll shoot their boss.