Sex Workers Ad Campaign

I came across this story in Ad Week. Maybe the Canadians aren't all that bad after all.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Wonderful. It's nice to know that some people are thinking of us as being something more than subhuman.

I saw a report on the long island serial killer last night that also made this point.
If a woman is a victim in a crime and happens to be a prostitute, she is reduced to that title.
If a woman is a victim of a crime and not a prostitute it is "Murdered Mother of three"
I mean, you don't see people say murdered receptionist... Job title should not be what we focus on when a life is lost. Or a human victimized.

I wish that the ad campaign in Canada would use either prostitute or sex worker in their ads though, it would be easier to understand their point.
I came across this story in Ad Week. Maybe the Canadians aren't all that bad after all. Originally Posted by DickPeters
Canadians are great! About a fraction of the shit to worry about that you have to than in America.
Canadians are great! About a fraction of the shit to worry about that you have to than in America. Originally Posted by Shayla
I was just making a little joke at the Canadian's expense. No offense intended, Shayla.
I saw a report on the long island serial killer last night that also made this point.
If a woman is a victim in a crime and happens to be a prostitute, she is reduced to that title.
If a woman is a victim of a crime and not a prostitute it is "Murdered Mother of three"
I mean, you don't see people say murdered receptionist... Job title should not be what we focus on when a life is lost. Or a human victimized.

I wish that the ad campaign in Canada would use either prostitute or sex worker in their ads though, it would be easier to understand their point. Originally Posted by nymphtalk
Yea, the detectives / law enforcement call it NHI meaning non human involvement stamped on a file of a murdered prostitute.
The Irish have a similar campaign going (they're fighting a losing battle against imposition of the Swedish Model over there).
I was just making a little joke at the Canadian's expense. No offense intended, Shayla.
Originally Posted by DickPeters
I know. There was none taken.
I wish that the sex advocacy groups over here in the US like SWOP, COYOTE, and others would pool their resources to make "like ads" here.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
I hate to say it, but us Escorts are the underdogs of the Sex industry....In recent years with the mobilization of porn on the internet, it's become somewhat main stream. Where Porn stars were once looked down upon, they are now a household name. But we haven't moved in the eyes of the media. Escorts are usually portrayed as brainless bimbo's that would do anything for a dollar. I've been spending some of my time on twitter and you can really see the divide between us and others in the sex industry...

So...amazing article. I just tweeted a link to it, as I think others should read... I encourage all of you who are a bit of an activist to join me on twitter. I'm trying to put forward a better image of us women in this industry. The only way things change is by exposure. And while I do know some of the escorts that I follow and who follow me, our group is just not big enough. So...Please come join too boys, so that maybe here in the US we can do something to change peoples opinion...

I know, I'm so very opinionated, but most of us continue to shrink into the back ground in fear of making a wave. I think this is a great way to be heard anonymously.

My twitter account is

When you follow me, let me know you are from here and I'll be sure to follow back that way we can talk.....

Until then,

xoxo, kristen
Hi Kristen! I just added you on Twitter.
I wish that the sex advocacy groups over here in the US like SWOP, COYOTE, and others would pool their resources to make "like ads" here. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Great idea, in theory, but between the puritanical attitudes in the U.S. And the difficulty in getting advocacy groups to put away their individual agendas and work together it would be difficult to make it happen. You might be able to get it to fly in some of the more liberal markets though.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
You know it will happen sooner or later though, as all of our traditional boundaries have's just those who lead in the industry might suffer a few bumps...look at the Mitchell brothers in SF, and others who have fought for each right we have today...
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
I found can chat!
San Francisco is a great example of a market where this could work.