Shame on you Sherry of DFW.....Using someone that has breast cancer to make yourself money

I was not strong enough 3 1/2 weeks ago to fight this issue, just had breast cancer surgery, but now that I am healing and got my strength back a lot better I can now put this out there.

SHAME ON you Sherry of DFW.
You have proved my point exactly on here.
You have 4 post on the first page alone and hundreds on the other pages all the time of people that no show or no call you in alerts.

When you keep pressuring me over and over to let you do a benefit for me I knew something was not right. You wanted to Do a 40 dollar benefit at first then raised it to 50'
You sent pms constantly telling me exactly what to say and telling me to post ads in my name also about the benefit. Against my better judgement since I had never met you except talking on phone i was REALLY concerned about it.

First who would want to work for free when they say they have no business. I keep thinking who would work for free over and over for nothing. First red flag.
You do not take no for an answer. You told me you had been told to quit harressing men on the board about coming to see you. Yes you do, you constantly harrased me for emails and phone numbers of men I had seen to call and see if they would come see you now. I said NO WAY. I don't harrass men in anyway to come see me. If they do , they do , especially you wanting to text them. .

So the weekend came and you emailed you had 6 spots set for that one day.
Second red flag. At the end the day you said they either no showed you or did not call. You even would not answer your phone all day when I as calling, now if no one showed what were you doing to not answer your phone???
You told me in an email that one eccie guy sent you a pm wanting to come and also wanted SS. You sent him a message back saying it was not included for 50 benefit. You said he came and then since you would not do SS he finished the session and picked up the money and left. That you did not have any money.

FOR DAYS. I keep asking why in the hell would you not post an eccie members name that did the session and then got dressed ran out the with the money when you post every Tom, dick and Harry that no shows you????

WTF. Your response is he was not a eccie member but a lurker forgetting you had sent me a message earlier that he was a eccie member.
You post EVERY DETAIL about every man that ns/nc.
My point made on that.

If you made NO money that day why would you keep insisting I post for you again the next weekend. I had to scream at you and say Nooooooo' that if you ran it again I would report you to the mods. Why would you want to work for free another weekend????

You said you keep pages of every man you see. His number, his weight, his age , his name and even color or hair and race. BUT YOU HAVE NO RECORD OF ANYONE THAT CAME that day. Do you I think I believe this?

You said I contacted you months ago for a referral ,that you had never contacted me. Well Sherry I do screen everyone on here so of course I contacted you the first time. You never contact me for a referral because you advertise all over this board NO SCREENING, I SEE ANY DICK THAT WILL COME.
SHAME ON YOU SHERRY. When you got called out you all of a sudden sent 100 to me after the fact.
Then 2 weeks later the other 50 came I kept telling you I never got, but hey you are always right you think
Is this a she said she said? No your post on here tell the story.

Shame on you again for using a person having breast cancer to make yourself some money. Maybe @ 73 it is time something new if you resort to this and calling every provider ugly bitches.

I have already said in other post that it is NO ONES place or here to help anyone , but to use this to your benefit is F***ed up.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Well that's some trifling, scallywag ass shit right there...Sherry running game. Who woulda thought??
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Wow...not good.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-25-2015, 01:26 PM
That's beyond low to generate business and not follow through with helping out, Damm she's 73 LOL
FunInDFW's Avatar
So to get this straight, and I understand:

She offered her services to clients, and the payment for those services were supposed to go to you (OP)? However, nothing made it to you until something was said about it and there are still issues with that?
Yes it is and one thing for sure, I have seen it all in this business and not much I have not seen , but this crap was messed up. I was just to weak a few weeks ago to sit up and post about it. My body was in shock from surgery already, but now I am. And have all the crap to prove the bull that she would come up with.
Exactly, and keep persisting I post over and over for her to make me money saying she had already did her post she could for the week. Telling me to post for her doing a benefit for me since I was not able to work. When I screamed at her nooooo more and asked her why in the hell do you want to work for free if no one is showing up? She hung up on me.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Not to sound like an asshole, but who pays to fuck a 73 year old? I know I could just look at her reviews, but that would be too easy.
Not to sound like an asshole, but who pays to fuck a 73 year old? I know I could just look at her reviews, but that would be too easy. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
FunInDFW's Avatar
Not to sound like an asshole, but who pays to fuck a 73 year old? I know I could just look at her reviews, but that would be too easy. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
74 year olds who like younger women.
Have you been able to contact any of the charities that offer financial assistance to cancer patients? Surely, they are more reliable than a bunch of people on a SHMB.

I hate to think of anyone suffering. I also think there may be other things going on with Sherry. She's always seemed well intentioned but lately maybe a little forgetful. Do you think she did it on purpose or maybe something else possibly going on???

I'm sorry I'm trying to tread carefully here. I don't want to discount what you're saying at all but I also know that Sherry can be persistent about things that sometimes are a little different.
Invisible1's Avatar
Sherry should be banned for stealing money from a charity fund. The lowest of the low. I know a guy who went to jail for basically the same fraudulent charity theft type stuff that Sherry just pulled. He was collecting money at his church for a charity that helped support wounded solders coming home from Afganistan......but kept it all. Now he wears a nice orange outfit.

Usually it is the elderly who get scammed....Sherry, the retired public school teacher, has created a new spin on scamming. Sherry is an elderly woman scamming a younger cancer patient out of charity money for the cancer patient. Talk about dirty deeds done dirt cheap

SHAME ON YOU SHERRY!! And please update your age in your showcase....73 is not the new 50.

SensualNurseD, please take THN's suggestions and continue looking for alternate funds to help you with your medical bills. Please get well soon. Sherry should have never pressured you to do anything you were uncomfortable with. What she did is just plain easy to explain wrong.
Thanks, I have contacted everything from Susan G Komen and all the places they said to call. They help with meds and wigs, which I do not need.
THN I sent a pm you will find interesting I am sure.
Origianally posted by BBW Katrina -
Well that's some trifling, scallywag ass shit right there...Sherry running game. Who woulda thought??

I love the word scallywag...