Ladies When Guys Write A Bad or False Review

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Hit em with the new Clap Back...This is Shade Level 1000...

God..I love my Godmother

Infantile behavior...did you learn that from her or she from you
And that BITCH is the "leader" of the house...sooo that BITCH leads by example!!
eveonastick's Avatar
"Bride's maid, never a bride." - some funny folk
"Bride's maid, never a bride." - some funny folk Originally Posted by eveonastick
sc needs to marry her....two peas in a pod
SC this is YOUR leader...pitiful...pitiful.
You got one SERIOUS scholar on your hands there!!
You still around SC??
I would like your rebuttal...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Hey BB I dont click on links so give me the cliff I'm low key retarded.

Enjoy. ;-)
I concur with that...
Your avatar it's shady not shade!!
The link "you don't open" highlights her brilliance!!
Short and simple...8 seconds recap!!