Low Volume

shorty's Avatar
What do you consider a low volume provider? Is it someone that only sees 1-2 hobbyist a day/week or what?
  • Gulf2
  • 04-25-2011, 08:19 AM
What do you consider a low volume provider? ... Originally Posted by shorty
A wife.

(Oh stop it, you know you were ALL thinking it...)
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LMAO @ gulf2!!

I know it's different for all ladies and there is no wrong answer here, but mine is about 3 a week.
shorty's Avatar
Now That's Funny Until You Realize That's She's Not Low Volume!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Oh geez! You know all the escorts will come here and post claiming to be low volume as usual. You know how some of them spend $900-$1000 to tour and claim that they only see 3 guys a week at $250-$300 an hour like there's nothing wrong with that picture. Do the math.. Nuff said.
A wife.

(Oh stop it, you know you were ALL thinking it...) Originally Posted by Gulf2

I consider myself low volume, as I opt to only see 1-2 gentlemen a week. Most ladies in St. Louis that state they're low volume that I know personally see 1 per day.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Oh geez! You know all the escorts will come here and post claiming to be low volume as usual. You know how some of them spend $900-$1000 to tour and claim that they only see 3 guys a week at $250-$300 an hour like there's nothing wrong with that picture. Do the math.. Nuff said. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I doubt he was referring to touring providers , thats a whole different ballgame and no one would expect them to be sexy lady
Naomi4u's Avatar
I doubt he was referring to touring providers , thats a whole different ballgame and no one would expect them to be sexy lady Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I'm pretty sure he was referring to providers as a whole not a specific group (he wasn't really specific himself). I have seen them (touring providers) say that here on Eccie. That's why I posted that love.
shorty's Avatar
To me a low volume lady is 1 a day. She told me I'm the only one that she's seen that day!!LOL
shorty's Avatar
Naomi n SNL. . . Its both local and touring providers..
Naomi4u's Avatar
To me a low volume lady is 1 a day. She told me I'm the only one that she's seen that day!!LOL Originally Posted by shorty
I'm glad you said she TOLD you. We all know escorts do NOT lie.

It's all about the illusion. To me a low volume provider is one that LOOKS/SMELLS like she saw one guy a day. No matter how many times a lady post that she is low volume.. no one would believe her. We're all fuck machines.. right? (sarcasm)
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I'm pretty sure he was referring to providers as a whole not a specific group (he wasn't really specific himself). I have seen them (touring providers) say that here on Eccie. That's why I posted that love. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh ok , I just assumed he mean't non touring, my bad I need more coffee ..lol
shorty's Avatar
Naomi. . . You mean you don't have that warm n moist hole available 24/7!!LMAO
I see 1/day or anywhere between 2-5/week and consider myself low volume. Last week I saw 2 but they were both on the same day, I still consider it as low volume.

I don't tour, but if I did, I would think 3/day would be about right. When I did go to Tulsa, I saw 3/day and it wasnt my cup of tea.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi. . . You mean you don't have that warm n moist hole available 24/7!!LMAO Originally Posted by shorty
Actually it's no longer available and it feels pretty damn good