P411 New Feature

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Just noticed p411 now has a new feature to do real time ads Kinda cool
shorty's Avatar
That's nice, eventhough I don't have P411.
GiaLedeaux's Avatar
I like it!
I don't like the feature. If I wanted to see someone add I would click on it.
Now if only they'd come up with a "scratch & sniff" or, preferably, a "scratch & lick" feature.... THEN they'd be the shitzzz...
Abe Normal's Avatar
Now if only they'd come up with a "scratch & sniff" or, preferably, a "scratch & lick" feature.... THEN they'd be the shitzzz... Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs

Fucking A
shorty's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I am really liking the the ad feature there.
GinaXXX's Avatar
I don't like the feature. If I wanted to see someone add I would click on it.
You can x out the Recent Post banner from your main view as a client, just look for the red X next to it. That way you can visit the Ads Boards only when you wish to visit.


Thanks Gina. I just hate being blasted with adds. Thanks for the info.
GinaXXX's Avatar
I just hate being blasted with adds.
I do too.... so I try to find a happy medium.


DallasRain's Avatar