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Woman planning F*ck Your Flag” Day on 9/11 says, ‘All White People Must Die’

A woman protesting outside the jail where Sandra Bland died, is making the rounds on social media to bring attention to a national movement to burn American flags on the anniversary of 9/11.

The woman, Carol Sullivan, calls herself “Sunshine” and describes herself as a “militant non-compliant Negro.” She aligns herself with views that Nation of Islam leader, Malcom X espoused.

When asked by a reporter outside the jail if she agreed with Malcolm X that white people should be killed, Sullivan said, “You’re damn right I do. You think I’m scared to say that to you? Yes, you do need to die… I think everyone else on the planet will have peace if you’re dead.”


Yssup Rider's Avatar


SLOBBRIN, you are a ingnorantly blissful little troll, aren't you? How much did you send her?

Of course, to be truthful, she wasn't raising money to kill all white people. You just put one and one together and came up five, SLOBBRIN.

It's one thing to be a water headed little troll. Being a water headed LIAR removes your "give him a break He's 'special'" status.
  • DSK
  • 08-18-2015, 07:38 AM
Woman planning F*ck Your Flag” Day on 9/11 says, ‘All White People Must Die’


Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
As long as she starts with killing the white liberals, I say she should give it a try and see how it works out for everyone.
As long as she starts with killing the white liberals, I say she should give it a try and see how it works out for everyone. Originally Posted by DSK
Especially the odummer and Clinton supporters !
What a load of horseshit
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What a load of horseshit Originally Posted by WombRaider
i agree it is a load of horseshit ... that this ignert biatch has been brainwashed into blaming whitey for .. everything. this ignert biatch wouldn't know who Shaka Zulu was if Shaka Zulu stuck a spear up her ass.

most blacks today would focus on Shaka Zulu's clashes with white settlers in Africa while completely ignoring the fact that Zulu fostered in a new era of black on black tribal war to expand the Zulu nation.

Shaka as the creator of a revolutionary warfare style

A number of historians argue that Shaka 'changed the nature of warfare in Southern Africa' from 'a ritualised exchange of taunts with minimal loss of life into a true method of subjugation by wholesale slaughter'.[4]:17–69 Others dispute this characterization (see Scholarship section below). A number of writers focus on Shaka's military innovations such as the iklwa – the Zulu thrusting spear, and the "buffalo horns" formation. This combination has been compared to the standardization implemented by the reorganised Roman legions under Marius.

ah yes! a fine flower of black on black racism. send that nappy headed ho over to her "homieland" and let her re-learn what we already do about Africa.

blacks in Africa have been killing their own race for centuries before the white ever found Africa and for centuries ever since, right up to today. yet this nappy headed ho whitewashes it to be the white man's fault.

that figures.
i agree it is a load of horseshit ... that this ignert biatch has been brainwashed into blaming whitey for .. everything. this ignert biatch wouldn't know who Shaka Zulu was if Shaka Zulu stuck a spear up her ass.

most blacks today would focus on Shaka Zulu's clashes with white settlers in Africa while completely ignoring the fact that Zulu fostered in a new era of black on black tribal war to expand the Zulu nation.

Shaka as the creator of a revolutionary warfare style

A number of historians argue that Shaka 'changed the nature of warfare in Southern Africa' from 'a ritualised exchange of taunts with minimal loss of life into a true method of subjugation by wholesale slaughter'.[4]:17–69 Others dispute this characterization (see Scholarship section below). A number of writers focus on Shaka's military innovations such as the iklwa – the Zulu thrusting spear, and the "buffalo horns" formation. This combination has been compared to the standardization implemented by the reorganised Roman legions under Marius.

ah yes! a fine flower of black on black racism. send that nappy headed ho over to her "homieland" and let her re-learn what we already do about Africa.

blacks in Africa have been killing their own race for centuries before the white ever found Africa and for centuries ever since, right up to today. yet this nappy headed ho whitewashes it to be the white man's fault.

that figures. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
But....but....but....woomby be's down wit da Dindu Nuffin gang ( his largest client base at the 'holes) and is proud to spout that "Black lives matter" even if he's a pobrecita puta mojada ! Dats where woomby be getting mos' of his 'ropey loads" for his facials !!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah, death to whitey! Only black lives matter! Free abortions for all black people!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now you did it. Trying to parody the urban patois of the black people will get someone to call you a racist. Just ask this woman;
i agree it is a load of horseshit ... that this ignert biatch has been brainwashed into blaming whitey for .. everything. this ignert biatch wouldn't know who Shaka Zulu was if Shaka Zulu stuck a spear up her ass.

most blacks today would focus on Shaka Zulu's clashes with white settlers in Africa while completely ignoring the fact that Zulu fostered in a new era of black on black tribal war to expand the Zulu nation.

Shaka as the creator of a revolutionary warfare style

A number of historians argue that Shaka 'changed the nature of warfare in Southern Africa' from 'a ritualised exchange of taunts with minimal loss of life into a true method of subjugation by wholesale slaughter'.[4]:17–69 Others dispute this characterization (see Scholarship section below). A number of writers focus on Shaka's military innovations such as the iklwa – the Zulu thrusting spear, and the "buffalo horns" formation. This combination has been compared to the standardization implemented by the reorganised Roman legions under Marius.

ah yes! a fine flower of black on black racism. send that nappy headed ho over to her "homieland" and let her re-learn what we already do about Africa.

blacks in Africa have been killing their own race for centuries before the white ever found Africa and for centuries ever since, right up to today. yet this nappy headed ho whitewashes it to be the white man's fault.

that figures. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You use black on black violence to somehow justify racial violence between black and white? The black on black is no different than white on white. There's no racial component involved, you ignorant fuck. Goddamn, you are as dumb as the motherfucking day is long.
Now you did it. Trying to parody the urban patois of the black people will get someone to call you a racist. Just ask this woman; Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well now that'll just break my heart to be called that AGAIN, JD ! Especially if it's from a white liberal or swishy walking mojado liberal !!!
But....but....but....woomby be's down wit da Dindu Nuffin gang ( his largest client base at the 'holes) and is proud to spout that "Black lives matter" even if he's a pobrecita puta mojada ! Dats where woomby be getting mos' of his 'ropey loads" for his facials !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You're tired and getting very sleepy. Go home, stupid. Nobody likes you and everyone thinks your gloryhole shtick is old as shit.
Well now that'll just break my heart to be called that AGAIN, JD ! Especially if it's from a white liberal or swishy walking mojado liberal !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You're a proud racist, what's the point.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Only a few people here have admitted to a racist agenda and Ray is not one of them. He just said that he had been called that before, not that he was one. YOU on the other hand have supported to the hilt the Margaret Sanger agenda of race elimination by abortion and you have made it pretty clear with your insults that you problems with black people, Hispanic people, gay people, and women in general.
You're a proud racist, what's the point. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I'm an equal opportunity proud hater of swishy walking lying liberals of ALL colors woomby ! E.O. is something that you libs foisted on the rest of us to salve your conscience and so you should like that I'm doing the "E.O." thing !!