Tuesday 9-16-2010's Gregalogue

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http://dailygut.com/ Funny as hell to listen as he read this. He's a conservative with a weird sense of humor.

So Sara Palin and Jim DeMint endorsed Christine O'Donnell in the Delaware Republican primary. Some folks called this idiotic, because O'Donnell is a fringe candidate endorsed by Tea Partiers.

And maybe, she has problems.

The financial stuff's been reported everywhere: her 2008 Senate campaign was way in debt, and she also used campaign cash to pay half her rent - when her home doubled as a campaign office. On top of that, she may have lied about attending Princeton (or, something like that - it's too confusing).

So, she's not rich. She ran a small campaign against a large one, spent a fraction of her adversary, but she's broke. She's a young politician, screwing up like every other ambitious pol.

But yeah, that's a red flag.

Here's another. On the CBS Early Show, Nancy Cordes portrayed O'Donnell as weird, because she quote, "crusaded for abstinence and against porn." Christine also wrote that 'when a married person uses pornography, it compromises the spouse's purity.'"

I know. Terrible.

Now, this stuff makes us laugh. How can you believe in abstinence? How can you fight something as ubiquitous as porn. It's everywhere.

It won.

Yeah, it did.

But is it really that fringy to say porn screws up relationships? Look, everyone over 30 knows that. You don't need ANY religion to make that conclusion.

And if you believe that porn is harmless, then clearly you've only dabbled in it.

Call me when you're serious!

Which leads me to smoking. We go after smokers because we can SEE them smoking. With porn, people aren't standing out in front of their places of work, feverishly masturbating to My Big Backyard.

Which isn't fair.

We have a nation of masturbators, all hooked up to an internet I.V. of constant, disconnected gratification, churned out by legions of misguided mothers, sisters, and daughters.

And we laugh at O'Donnell.

I don't get that.

But then again, I smoke.

And if you disagree with me, you're a racist homophobe who stole my Swank.

She won against a career politician who had not lost an election in decades.....

Change, it's on the way.