The murder of Tamir Rice = more Liberal press bullshit

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All over the press: Murdering cops kill 12 year-old playing with a toy gun. If not referred to as a toy gun, it’s often referred to as a BB gun, rarely referred to as a pellet gun (which it is). So, for all you liberal gun hating dumbshits out there, I’ve provided a photo of a toy gun (red barrel plug mandated by law), and my .45 cal pistol. Can you tell the difference?

BTW, where’s the liberal gun hating outrage when a 12 year-old is carrying around a (reportedly) toy pistol and pointing it at people? Doesn’t that count? Or, is it only the police and law abiding citizens that should be disarmed?

Then, there’s the liberal Cleveland judge (WITH NO JURISDICTIONAL AUTHORITY OVER THE CASE) that just had to weigh-in and poison the jury pool before the case is considered by the grand jury. He should be disbarred.

Now for the kicker- “my .45 cal pistol” is actually a photo of Tamir’s gun, the actual gun being pointed at passers-by and in his hand when the police arrived. At 10-15 feet, could you tell its “a toy”? Are the cops to blame, or are Tamir’s parents? Even De Blasio has warned his boy to watch out for the police. What black parent let’s their 12 year old go to the park with a pistol that looks real??? I know, let’s blame the murdering cops.