George H W Bush

TheDaliLama's Avatar


There was never one more qualified, deserving, better example of a decent human being or more noble servant to his country than George Bush.

Anyone at that time who would lie about his age to get into the fight has my deepest respect. We will never see his generation again. One of the last times we actually spoke to each other and listened.

He’d now rest with his beloved Barbara in College Station..

RIP.... very sad indeed.

If you’ve got nothing good to say...then don’t.
  • Tiny
  • 11-30-2018, 10:20 PM
Agreed. They don’t make them like him anymore. A war hero, successful businessman, and for the majority of his career, public servant. A man as honest and incorruptible as the day is long. And he displayed exceptional judgement.
I B Hankering's Avatar


There was never one more qualified, deserving, better example of a decent human being or better servant to his country than George Bush.

Anyone at that time who would lie about his age to get into the fight has my deepest respect.

He’d now rest with his beloved Barbara in College Station..

RIP.... very sad indeed.

If you’ve got nothing good to say...then don’t. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
R.I.P Mr. President!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-30-2018, 10:24 PM
He was a great one.
winn dixie's Avatar
Very sad! A really good man and great President! RIP
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I think ALL of our Presidents could learn a lot from this man.

He was the first in line after Pearl Harbor.

And I really hope that over the next few days that we can all remember a time that all of us weren’t so that divided and tribal as we are now.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
During their mission for the relief effort from the devastating sunami that hit SE Asia..Bill Clinton gave the comforts of the Presidents cabin of Airforce1 to George Bush and slept on the floor out of respect to his senior statesman. When you think about the rivalry between these says a lot.

“ I think I’m the father he never had”
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
RIP G H W Bush ,,

so what is the over/under the Bush family tries to bar Trump from attending his .. Presidential funeral? .. which they can't. privately of course but not public. GHW Bush will get a presidential funeral with all former and current living presidents in attendance. that includes Trump.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
RIP G H W Bush ,,

so what is the over/under the Bush family tries to bar Trump from attending his .. Presidential funeral? .. which they can't. privately of course but not public. GHW Bush will get a presidential funeral with all former and current living presidents in attendance. that includes Trump. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If it was up to GHWB all would invited.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I hope he gets a state funeral in DC and then take him back to CS.

He certainly deserves a spot in Arlington.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If it was up to GHWB all would invited. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Texas Playboy's Avatar
If it was up to GHWB all would invited. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
There will almost certainly be a public ceremony at Washington National Cathedral, and a private one at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston.

My guess is that Trump will have some role at the public ceremony, but he won't be coming to Houston as will the Clintons and the Obamas. And I bet the real emotional eulogies will be from Clinton and from Jeb. Dubya will be brief and to the point and inject some levity.

Like many Houstonians, I have several memories of seeing George Bush around town in his post-presidency years. Virtually bumped into him once at Otto's BBQ, another time at the VIP tent on the 18th green at the Shell Houston Open, and a third time at an elevator bank at a downtown office tower. He'd look you in the eye and say hello and smile, but he was always on the move. He never loitered anywhere. He had things to do.

A really good man. The last politician of the WW2 generation, our society has moved on to bombastic reality show hosts as "leaders", but George Bush was the real article. God bless him.
themystic's Avatar


There was never one more qualified, deserving, better example of a decent human being or more noble servant to his country than George Bush.

Anyone at that time who would lie about his age to get into the fight has my deepest respect. We will never see his generation again. One of the last times we actually spoke to each other and listened.

He’d now rest with his beloved Barbara in College Station..

RIP.... very sad indeed.

If you’ve got nothing good to say...then don’t. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Agreed. RIP, he was very honorable in his life. He actually for the most part put "doing the right thing" ahead of politics. His decision to not continue into Iraq cost him the reelection yet he did what he felt was right. His foresight was 20/20. I said to my wife " I cant believe hes not going into Iraq,", Americans were like blood thirsty Romans at the Colosseum at that time. She gently looked at me and said, " He doesn't want to hurt Gods innocent kids". I looked at her and didn't say a word, but never forgot it. In a strange way I knew I had heard a bigger truth. It was kind of like your pizza story, for me ,Lama. Thanks for sharing your perfect words about the man and his character
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Agreed. RIP, he was very honorable in his life. He actually for the most part put "doing the right thing" ahead of politics. His decision to not continue into Iraq cost him the reelection yet he did what he felt was right. His foresight was 20/20. I said to my wife " I cant believe hes not going into Iraq,", Americans were like blood thirsty Romans at the Colosseum at that time. She gently looked at me and said, " He doesn't want to hurt Gods innocent kids". I looked at her and didn't say a word, but never forgot it. In a strange way I knew I had heard a bigger truth. It was kind of like your pizza story, for me ,Lama. Thanks for sharing your perfect words about the man and his character Originally Posted by themystic
Thanks for letting us all down. You obviously missed the meaning of the pizza story. Please don’t post again.
themystic's Avatar
Thanks for letting us all down. You obviously missed the meaning of the pizza story. Please don’t post again. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
No Lama Thank you for Letting everyone down Somehow you and Waco managed to drag you know who into the feature story. If you cant understand that other people besides you have personal moments, that's your problem. Please don't post again