Mueller & His Long Game Against Trump

themystic's Avatar
When I was younger a popular expression was "Dont make a Federal Case out of It". Mueller has got Tump backed into a corner and is beating him to a pulp. 36 Indictments, 5 Guilty pleas and more to come. All of this because he fired Comey? Because Jeff Sessions recused himself? Because its a Witch Hunt? Fake News?

No because him and his fucking Posse are guilty as Fuck

Mueller is going to grant Tump his wish he asked for from Comey. Hes going to go easy on Flynn
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Well said, I bet if and when his son or Kushner are charged he will loose his mind and will will have the Saturday massacre part 2, this is the beging of the end of Trump not just as president but as a free man
When I was younger a popular expression was "Dont make a Federal Case out of It". Mueller has got Tump backed into a corner and is beating him to a pulp. 36 Indictments, 5 Guilty pleas and more to come. All of this because he fired Comey? Because Jeff Sessions recused himself? Because its a Witch Hunt? Fake News?

No because him and his fucking Posse are guilty as Fuck

Mueller is going to grant Tump his wish he asked for from Comey. Hes going to go easy on Flynn Originally Posted by themystic
Guilty of what? Getting more Electorial Votes than Hillary?
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
try obstruction of justice just for one and wait till the irs really gets going on his taxes
themystic's Avatar
Guilty of what? Getting more Electorial Votes than Hillary? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie I know you love you some Tump but the man has made some pretty big enemies. I'm not sure what the enemy of my enemy is my friend analogy is for this. Sure have been a lot of long time "friends" of his that have "flipped". Its ok Jackie. Pence is waiting in the wings
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well said, I bet if and when his son or Kushner are charged he will loose his mind and will will have the Saturday massacre part 2, this is the beging of the end of Trump not just as president but as a free man Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
try obstruction of justice just for one and wait till the irs really gets going on his taxes Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
obstruction of what exactly? remember it was the firing of Comey (now known to have leaked info to the press and lied about it) that began this witch hunt crap. so why is Bobbo Mueller NOT investigating Rod Rosenstein ??


he's the one that knew Comey had leaked info and wasn't truthful about it. Rosenstein recommended firing Comey. So Trump fires this bum!

and it's suddenly obstruction of justice?


in October 2016 the Dem herd of libtard lemmings wanted Comey's head on a pike. Trump eventually fires this bum and it's obstruction of justice? are u fucking KIDDING ME?

Good point. Exactly WHERE is the obstruction??
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
apparently Meuller has something on tony Podesta. in this case, failing to register as a foreign agent.
themystic's Avatar
apparently Meuller has something on tony Podesta. in this case, failing to register as a foreign agent. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Clearly a case of draining the Swamp

No because him and his fucking Posse are guilty as Fuck
Originally Posted by themystic

Ay yi yi….errors in grammar I expect from illiterate whores....but not from educated men. That said....

Mystic....why do you ocntinue this fruitless venture as this site's Judge, Jury, and Executioner of man we all know you have obvious contempt for....? Rather than making baseless charges, why not simply wait for the evidence per any and all to be revealed (which there is none to date)? After all....I'm waiting patiently (and quietly) for HiLIARy to finally be read her rights....

I gotta say...statements (such as yours) lend me to believe you, sir, might actually be that morning show fruitcake, Joe Scarborough.....and you're doing just an awful job of hiding it.....
themystic's Avatar
Ay yi yi….errors in grammar I expect from illiterate whores....but not from educated men. That said....

Mystic....why do you ocntinue this fruitless venture as this site's Judge, Jury, and Executioner of man we all know you have obvious contempt for....? Rather than making baseless charges, why not simply wait for the evidence per any and all to be revealed (which there is none to date)? After all....I'm waiting patiently (and quietly) for HiLIARy to finally be read her rights....

I gotta say...statements (such as yours) lend me to believe you, sir, might actually be that morning show fruitcake, Joe Scarborough.....and you're doing just an awful job of hiding it..... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
CB I still love you friend but I think your age is affecting more than your pee pee. ( You said that about yourself in another thread). If you cant see a Russian connection with Tump, well you just cant see it. 35 Indictments, 5 guilty pleas and a scared shitless President. Its ok. 12 jurors acquitted OJ. Not a mistrial. I wonder if Tump would have that same fate
That you say that there's a "long game" owns up to the fact that it's a "fishing trip."

The evidence of "collusion" whatever that is apparently isn't there. Forget that collusion isn't itself a crime the way the Dems and MSM talk about it. Every transaction is a collusion. The violation of the Logan Act has long since been shown to be a ruse.
The setup of Don Jr by the Russian spy was revealed long ago. Somehow Mueller and the incoming Dem House want a "replay."

As I said in my Khoshoggi thread, strange that it's been two years on this "investigation" with nothing, but the CIA can produce tapes and communiques tying the prince to murder in a few weeks.
themystic's Avatar
That you say that there's a "long game" owns up to the fact that it's a "fishing trip."

The evidence of "collusion" whatever that is apparently isn't there. Forget that collusion isn't itself a crime the way the Dems and MSM talk about it. Every transaction is a collusion. The violation of the Logan Act has long since been shown to be a ruse.
The setup of Don Jr by the Russian spy was revealed long ago. Somehow Mueller and the incoming Dem House want a "replay."

As I said in my Khoshoggi thread, strange that it's been two years on this "investigation" with nothing, but the CIA can produce tapes and communiques tying the prince to murder in a few weeks. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Tump: "I have no business deals or ties to Russia"
Cohen testifies to Tump dealing in Russia
Tump: " There was nothing illegal about it. I didn't do the deal. It was cool"

Tump: " There was no meeting in Trump Tower with Russians"
Oops turns out there was
Tump: ' We were talking about Adoption"
Oops some more BS
Tump" We were doing what any politician would do"

Tump: " No Collusion"
Rudy G: " Even if there was its not a crime"

Tump seems to tell a new story each time the truth is exposed. Him and his supporters remind me of Joe Paterno

Seems like your man has a hard time telling the truth. Your support of a liar makes you compliant

Seems like your man has a hard time telling the truth. Your support of a liar makes you compliant Originally Posted by themystic
Lawyer up, everyone. According to mystic we're all guilty of aiding and abetting a soon to be convicted president (and family, o' course.....lock 'em all up, right?)

The bigger crime (than supporting and voting for DJT) is that we were all blind as bats and we turned away from the living embodiment of the Truth, the Light, the Way....the chosen one, HilLIARY Rod Ham Clinton, would have paved a future for a greater America than any of us could've dreamed. For that crime alone all of us Trump-supporters should never see the light of day again.

Lock US all up!

themystic's Avatar
Lawyer up, everyone. According to mystic we're all guilty of aiding and abetting a soon to be convicted president (and family, o' course.....lock 'em all up, right?)

The bigger crime (than supporting and voting for DJT) is that we were all blind as bats and we turned away from the living embodiment of the Truth, the Light, the Way....the chosen one, HilLIARY Rod Ham Clinton, would have paved a future for a greater America than any of us could've dreamed. For that crime alone all of us Trump-supporters should never see the light of day again.

Lock US all up!

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I didn't say you were blind or didn't know. I said you were compliant because you do know. That's the sad part. You've abandoned decency in your quest to MAGA