Multiple 2020 Candidates Bizarrely Tweet Out Claim that Michael Brown Was Murdered

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Multiple 2020 Candidates Bizarrely Tweet Out Claim that Michael Brown Was Murdered

Posted at 4:00 pm on August 10, 2019 by Bonchie

Kamala Harris – Caricature by DonkeyHotey, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original

There’s pandering and then there’s whatever this is.

Multiple 2020 Democrat candidates tweeted out this week that Michael Brown, who assaulted a police officer and tried to steal his weapon, was murdered five years ago. Those who did so include Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Beto O’Rourke. Did I wake up in a different timeline?
5 years ago Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael was unarmed yet he was shot 6 times. I stand with activists and organizers who continue the fight for justice for Michael. We must confront systemic racism and police violence head on.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) August 9, 2019
Michael Brown’s murder forever changed Ferguson and America. His tragic death sparked a desperately needed conversation and a nationwide movement. We must fight for stronger accountability and racial equity in our justice system.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) August 9, 2019
Five years ago, Michael Brown was shot dead by a police officer. In the years since, we’ve heard too many names, too many similar stories, to count. In each, we are reminded of an idea as urgent, and as ignored, today as it was when Michael was killed: Black Lives Matter.
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) August 9, 2019

Kirsten Gillibrand also tweeted the same thing out, but her nearly non-existent campaign isn’t worth the time to go copy the link.
It’s one thing to virtue signal about a debatable issue for political reasons, but in the case of Michael Brown, there is no debate. Even Barack Obama’s DOJ concluded that the officer acted appropriately in defending himself.
Here, let me help. From Obama DOJ:
— Hudson (@HCashny) August 9, 2019

Past the political nonsense being perpetrated here, this is dangerous. This is the kind of rhetoric that helped spark the Ferguson riots in 2015 and to keep repeating it, even after it was proven he was not murdered, is patently insane. Truth is not subjective and these tweets seek to rekindle a fire that has no business reigniting.
Will any mainstream media outlet call this stuff out for what it is? We all know the answer to that.
LexusLover's Avatar
That was on Obaminable's watch was't it.
as joe biden says

"we believe in truth not facts"

only problem is, the truth leftist believe in is what they call "our or my truth" not THE TRUTH based on facts

leftists have "their truth"
matchingmole's Avatar
as joe biden says

"we believe in truth not facts"

only problem is, the truth leftist believe in is what they call "our or my truth" not THE TRUTH based on facts

leftists have "their truth" Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

And rightists have theirs............
And rightists have theirs............ Originally Posted by matchingmole
I think its been well borne out that rudy had THE TRUTH
matchingmole's Avatar
Look like it crawled up his pants leg and bit him in the ass. The key word is "had".
LexusLover's Avatar
Look like it crawled up his pants leg and bit him in the ass. The key word is "had". Originally Posted by matchingmole
He still does. And HAS more than you on his worse day.
matchingmole's Avatar
He lost all credibility when he joined the Trump train
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2019, 09:44 AM
DPSY's believe their Idiotology narrative over Facts any day
history (excuse me - the new spelling from the PC olice DPST's is Hxtory) - from the Board of Education in kalfifornia - is a fluid thing to be adapted to the narrative - never mind what actually hapened
The DPST narrative still"Trump's" All!!
So back to the OP, other than stirring up and perpetuating racial issues, why bring this up again now.

Guess the left is running out of current events so they need to do reruns. (Kind of like reliving the IMPEACHMINTS. )
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2019, 10:13 AM
The pitiful few Moderate DPST party members are realizing the platform of

Open border, Illegal above citizens
Voting privileges for all regardless of citizenship
Anti-jewish and white racism
higher taxes and less services
One party ideology

and On and On
will not fly with American voters outside of NY and Kalifornia in Nov. 2020
they are grasping at straws and lies to try to keep their Idiotology afloat with voters. and failing.
Chung Tran's Avatar
at least MY GUY (Beto) said "shot dead", and not "murdered"

I remember when the Brown shooting happened, and we discussed it at length in the Dallas Forum. heated rhetoric on both sides. damn, I have been on ECCIE too long, LOL.. people dismissed the video, where he assaulted the storeowner while stealing a snack.. the Brown "lovers" kept saying, oh, he didn't hit him "that hard".. fuck.. a big ass Son-of-a-Bitch who is willing to assault a little store owner, to steal a snack openly, is a THUG. he deserved to be shot shortly after. murder, my ass.. I didn't wish him death, but I shed no tears either.
Michael Browns family is seeking reparations.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Michael Browns family is seeking reparations. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
for being black, or for an unjustified killing of their son?

"hands up, don't shoot", my ass.. the only hands that went up, was to assault that old store owner.
at least MY GUY (Beto) said "shot dead", and not "murdered"

I remember when the Brown shooting happened, and we discussed it at length in the Dallas Forum. heated rhetoric on both sides. damn, I have been on ECCIE too long, LOL.. people dismissed the video, where he assaulted the storeowner while stealing a snack.. the Brown "lovers" kept saying, oh, he didn't hit him "that hard".. fuck.. a big ass Son-of-a-Bitch who is willing to assault a little store owner, to steal a snack openly, is a THUG. he deserved to be shot shortly after. murder, my ass.. I didn't wish him death, but I shed no tears either. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Well everybody has their opinion on these types of incidents. Everybody thinks the situation should have ended differently. Michael Brown took it upon himself to confront a Police Officer in an aggressive manner and even entered the Officer's vehicle and started punching him. I would advise any Police Officer in a situation like that to use deadly force. Anybody who thinks the Officer should have been able to diffuse that situation without a scratch is dreaming.