Even fake news CNN gets it sometimes...

gfejunkie's Avatar
Three months old, yet timeless...

"What progressives should know about Trump voters."


How Victor Davis Hanson got on CNN's website I'll never know.

All I know is that the more you insult the President the broader his base becomes. It grows daily.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
good article by hanson.sums up the trump phenomenon.

CNN prolly picked up his article from one of the website he writes for.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
an excellent article. many valid points especially about the known media bias against Trump and how it has continually backfired yet the media continues on with this failed strategy. the media helped elect Trump and they are helping his re-election bid yet again. don't these dummies ever learn from their own mistakes?

to out leftist friends here, you should read this before you yet again post that Trump supporters are some rabble of poor, unintelligent racist deplorables who blindly support Trump for no valid reason.

this article gives 10 of them, for starters.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
lefties who read this and say this is all trick!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Antifa Mob Brutally Assaults And Robs Journalist Andy Ngo in Portland

A journalist who regularly covers demonstrations by the left-wing group Antifa has been assaulted and robbed.

Andy Ngo, who has written previously about his experiences covering the violent group for The Daily Wire, tweeted shortly before 1 p.m. local time that he had been attacked.

“Attacked by antifa. Bleeding. They stole my camera equipment. No police until after. waiting for ambulance. If you have evidence Of attack please help,” wrote Ngo, who is an editor for Quillette.

One opponent of Ngo’s presence and reporting told him he “wanted” to get attacked and had gone to the protest “to antagonize” the members of Antifa. Others cheered the attack.

Ian Miles Cheong wrote at Human Events that the attack happened while the Rose City Antifa group protested against a group of right-wing provocateurs known as the Proud Boys (who have also become violent at their protests). Cheong reported that police “responded to the demonstrations by cordoning off various intersections and preventing the groups from clashing.”

Earlier in the day, Ngo had been hit by a milkshake, which has become some kind of protest symbol in recent months. Video from the attack, uploaded by Oregonian reporter Jim Ryan, showed milkshakes were thrown at Ngo as he was assaulted by a group of men, some of whom wore masks and filmed their attack.

“First skirmish I’ve seen,” Ryan tweeted. “Didn’t see how this started, but @MrAndyNgo got roughed up.”

The video shows members of Antifa punching and kicking Ngo, while others throw milkshakes and shoot him with silly string. Ngo does not fight back, but another man does try to defend him. Ngo then walks away from the group but is followed. Another member of Antifa – which ironically stands for “anti-fascist” – pelts him with a milkshake while others film and taunt the journalist. One woman in the crowd can be heard yelling, “F*** you, Andy!”

Earlier, Ryan posted footage of Antifa members dancing in the back of a truck and pouring milkshakes for participants to throw.

After the attack, Ngo posted a video to Periscope that showed him covered in milkshake with cuts and bruises on his face and around his eyes. He reiterated that no police officers helped defend him during the attack, but paramedics tended to his wounds after.

Ngo has been previously attacked for covering Antifa demonstrations. The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross reported that Ngo claimed to have been attacked while at the gym on May 7 by a man he recognized from the Antifa rallies. A week earlier, he was attacked with mace while covering on of the rallies.

In mid-November 2018, Ngo was assaulted by members of Antifa at a #HimToo rally, which was designed to raise awareness of male victims of sexual assault and men who are falsely accused of sexual assault. Antifa showed up and became violent. Ngo was “verbally berated and physically accosted,” reported The Daily Wire’s Amanda Prestigiacomo. Ngo’s camera equipment was also covered in silly string. Ngo said police did nothing during that assault.

In early December, Ngo wrote at the Wire that he received death threats while attending another rally. He said he was also pushed and verbally berated there as well. In each instance, other members filmed the attack.


(The Wire)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
isn't it illegal for these radical assholes to wear masks to conceal their identities? they would no doubt claim it's to thwart "big brother" and their facial recognition software. i say it's to hide their criminal behavior.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ya know this should be a strike against those democrat mayors in getting re-elected.

police don't seem to make any arrest. apparently the mayors have the case of the stupids.

even New Orleans former mayor Landrieu wasn't stupid enough to let antifa get away with shit.