what do you consider rushed?

Super Head 713's Avatar
I provide non rushed sessions but some can take your kindness for weakness, which lead to this question. What do you consider a rushed session?
Lincolnpark's Avatar
If she pulls out one of these.

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Expecting me to leave when my time is up is not rushed.

You putting your clothes on after my first pop when I've got another 30 minutes left is rushing.

Oh and LP I've been with a chick that had a little timer on the dresser lol.

By all means ladies if you feel you need a timer in cool with that, just please don't let me see it
Super Head 713's Avatar

If she pulls out one of these.

Originally Posted by Lincolnpark
silverstate53's Avatar
Pay for an hour expect an hour - exception being maybe on new meetings a 15 min window to get comfy with each other then the hour.
To me, "rushed" is when there is a short set of questions (if any) followed by a "get you hard" bj and then a session where she grips on with all kegels engaged and gets you finished in no time, then a perfunctory thank you while handing you your clothes and rushing you out... And you paid for an hour.

Had a session like that. It was so bad that I couldn't even justify reviewing it.
Guest082318's Avatar
Rushed is when she hands you the condom and tells you to put it on while she gets undressed.
  • cr76
  • 03-31-2014, 03:55 PM
Hardnfast-took the words right out my mouth
citizen44's Avatar
Expecting me to leave when my time is up is not rushed.

You putting your clothes on after my first pop when I've got another 30 minutes left is rushing.

Oh and LP I've been with a chick that had a little timer on the dresser lol.

By all means ladies if you feel you need a timer in cool with that, just please don't let me see it Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
^^^^ This

I do have one caveat to this based upon todays experience. After round one, if I'm being nice and making small talk and you proceed to take out your phone and spend 10 minutes telling me how great your kids are, don't tell me our time is up 2 minutes after the hour when I'm only 2 minutes from my 2nd finish. Highly frustrating.
Prime Time's Avatar
If the session ends faster than my 40 yard dash time, 4.27 seconds.
If before the time I paid for is up: she starts putting her clothes back on before I do; if she says "Come for me baby."; if she says "Are you close yet?"; if she says time is almost up any time before 10 minutes before my time is up; and if she answers her phone during my time and starts giving the next client the room number.
^^^^ What Houston.Epicurean said
Rushed is when the provider gets up immediately after, starts getting dressed and asks me "would you like a bottle of water for the road?"..when there is still time left.
Skittlez's Avatar
Rushed is any type of verbal or non-verbal communication that conveys the message to your Client, I don't care about your satisfaction with my services. I've got your donation, now - 'get this over quick as possible and get out'....

...and non-rushed is the same but positive - any type of verbal or non-verbal communication that intimates, this FULL time is for you (the Client) and you are my sole focus -- and your wants and pleasures are why I am here right now. Relax, forget about the clock, your worries, the traffic, your job, etc and ENJOY to the utmost your fantasy with me. Now what would you like me to do for you? (genuine smile).

Ultimately, providers are 'entertainers'.... Be a good entertainer and you will get repeat biz and good reviews.

What Skittlez said....+1million.

Rushed is any type of verbal or non-verbal communication that conveys the message to your Client, I don't care about your satisfaction with my services. I've got your donation, now - 'get this over quick as possible and get out'....

...and non-rushed is the same but positive - any type of verbal or non-verbal communication that intimates, this FULL time is for you (the Client) and you are my sole focus -- and your wants and pleasures are why I am here right now. Relax, forget about the clock, your worries, the traffic, your job, etc and ENJOY to the utmost your fantasy with me. Now what would you like me to do for you? (genuine smile).

Ultimately, providers are 'entertainers'.... Be a good entertainer and you will get repeat biz and good reviews. Originally Posted by Skittlez