LowRider69 - It looks like ChoomCzar/Marshall/UncleHan is back.

Kudos to Captain Midnight for spotting this one.

BlowRider69 is our old pain in the ass Marshall.
LowRider69's Avatar
Kudos to Captain Midnight for spotting this one.

BlowRider69 is our old pain in the ass Marshall. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I am not those posters......you appear afraid of those people......what a pussy.....
I am not those posters......you appear afraid of those people......what a pussy..... Originally Posted by LowRider69
Yes, you always denying being "them". Except those "posters" are only ONE poster.

Come out of the closet Marshall/ChoomCzar/UncleHan/BlowRider. We won't judge.

Or post a review. If you have the money.
LowRider69's Avatar
Yes, you always denying being "them". Except those "posters" are only ONE poster.

Come out of the closet Marshall/ChoomCzar/UncleHan/BlowRider. We won't judge.

Or post a review. If you have the money. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Post a review? Why?
LowRider69's Avatar
PS: I am not that person!
PS: I am not that person! Originally Posted by LowRider69
Sure you're not, Uncle Han. Everyone in this forum believes you!

Hey, what's the over/under on how many days this jackwagon can make a nuisance of himself before being banned this time?
LowRider69's Avatar
Sure you're not, Uncle Han. Everyone in this forum believes you! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
You must be the president of the tin foil hat club in question............
I am not those posters......you appear afraid of those people......what a pussy..... Originally Posted by LowRider69
You aren't even smart enough to change your posting habits, Marshall/Choom/UncleHan.

Those "posters" always inserted a lot of repetitious smiley faces in their posts.

See above.

Look familiar, asshole?
LowRider69's Avatar
You aren't even smart enough to change your posting habits, Marshall/Choom/UncleHan.

Those "posters" always inserted a lot of repetitious smiley faces in their posts.

See above.

Look familiar, asshole? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Changing my posting habits? WTF! You are another tin foil hat clubber seeing conspiracies everywhere......I repeat, I am not this Marshall/Choom/UncleHan person

When I looked back at old posts I see you really hated this guy because he repeatedly humiliated you.....I think that is funny! You are one fucked in the head homo!
Changing my posting habits? WTF! You are another tin foil hat clubber seeing conspiracies everywhere......I repeat, I am not this Marshall/Choom/UncleHan person

When I looked back at old posts I see you really hated this guy because he repeatedly humiliated you.....I think that is funny! You are one fucked in the head homo! Originally Posted by LowRider69
But you always deny being you Marshall

And you never humiliated anyone except yourself, Marshall.

But it is SO like you to praise your previous handles.
Changing my posting habits? WTF! You are another tin foil hat clubber seeing conspiracies everywhere......I repeat, I am not this Marshall/Choom/UncleHan person

When I looked back at old posts I see you really hated this guy because he repeatedly humiliated you.....I think that is funny! You are one fucked in the head homo! Originally Posted by LowRider69
Well, well.

Look who suddenly stopped inserting repetitive smiley faces in all of his posts.

Too bad you were already caught Marshall.

I would say by the fact you joined and immediately started posting in the Political forum and starting threads in it like you have you are a regular. I am new to the Political forum so I have no idea who they are talking about but I would be suprised if you are not who they say you are.
Well, well.

Look who suddenly stopped inserting repetitive smiley faces in all of his posts.

Too bad you were already caught Marshall.

😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 Originally Posted by ExNYer
Bingo !!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How long did it take for you guys to figure this is Marshall? It's not like he's hiding it. He'll get banned, and will be back again. Right, Marshall?
One funny thing is that "LowRider69" is such a big fan of "Uncle Han" that he even adopted his last avatar!


He'll get banned, and will be back again. Right, Marshall? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yup! Just like a hydra-headed snake.