The FCC May Start Fining Stations for Saying ‘Redskins’ On Air

And the World... laughs at us... fuckers

Tom Wheeler, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, indicated Tuesday that the FCC may begin fining broadcasters for saying the Washington Redskins name on air.

The FCC recently received a petition from John Banzhaf III, a legal activist and George Washington University professor, calling on the agency to strip a Washington, D.C., radio station of its broadcasting license for using the name, according to Reuters.

“We’ll be looking at that petition, we will be dealing with that issue on the merits and we’ll be responding accordingly,” Wheeler said during a conference with reporters, according to Reuters.

“There are a lot of names and descriptions that were used over time that are inappropriate today,” he said. “And I think the name that is attributed to the Washington football club is one of those.”

Several media outlets have already instituted their own self censorship policies on the name Redskins, including the Washington Post and Washington Business Journal.

NFL announcers Tony Dungy of ABC and Phil Simms of CBS have also pledged not to use the name on air.
I'm surprised Fox News is allowed to say "Muslim Terrorists."
I guess redskin potatoes is banned also.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
the whole issue is ridiculous
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
....and Phil Simms of CBS have also pledged not to use the name on air. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Phil Simms is a pussy.
Phil Simms is a pussy. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Tony Dungy is a pussy too. They keep this BS up and they will lose fans. Enough to hurt them... I can't wait!
Could Redman chewing Tobacco be the predecessor of the Washington Redskins.

rioseco's Avatar
More p/c bullshit from the leftist guerillas.
Just get it over with and change the name to the Wash. Abortionist, that should calm them. Its part of their platform isn't it ?
This little noticed federal bureaucracy fiefdom is one of the more corrupt and racist bureaucracies. Listeners of old classic rock may have noticed old lyrics being sanitized of any lyrics offensive to any group, especially LGBT, and other offensive words, all the while turning a blind eye to the racist sewage spewed by adult hip hop stations, or whatever other moniker is in vogue for rap.

The monumental corruption is the discounting of frequency spectrum to minority owned broadcasters. The FCC's theory is that disadvantaged minorities need to make up for hundreds of years of slavery and deprivation by having radio frequency spectrum given to them at 40% discounted rates rather than to racist companies like Verizon and AT&T. So far, one of the biggest beneficiaries has been one David Grain, of course a minority, who runs Grain Management private equity hedge fund, hardly the stuff of disadvantaged minorities. Mr. Grain doesn't really run a broadcasting company, but is in the business of flipping frequency spectrum to the auction losers like Verizon and AT&T. How can such a travesty occur? Easy when Grain is a big Obama donations bundler and donor, and a generous contributor to congressman James Clyburn (D-S.C.), father of FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn. They can't get the ridiculous concept of reparations to descendants of former slaves passed, so they steal money when they think no one is looking.

Dick Cheney never pulled off anything like this theft for oil companies. Nobody cares. These thieves should be tarred and feathered and run out of Washington on a rail, but it won't happen for fear of offending minority sensibilities.