Are we ever going to get serious with ISIS?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Back a couple of weeks ago Obama finally got around to dealing with a threat that had issued a declaration of war against the US almost two years ago, a threat that was recognized in January of this year, a threat that had taken over a significant portion of Iraq. Many of us on the right supported this move but we had reservations. How strong was his commitment and was Obama serious. Not surprisingly, we find out that Obama is less than serious and more interested in the headlines.

The allies have flown 96 missions against ISIS since the mission began. During the Gulf war the US flew 285 missions a day. We made it rain explosives, Obama has made it sprinkle.

Good news! The iminent retirement of the A10 has been postponed. Members of the Indiana National Guard's Thunderbolt squadron is being shipped to Iraq.