Ashley Paleta?

Has anyone seen her? Lot's of pics and movies but looks TGTBT?
elcalifa's Avatar
Dude, add TS to the title. I don't think he's a she, either.
Has anyone seen her? Lot's of pics and movies but looks TGTBT? Originally Posted by Texasm31
I have not seen her but I believe she is real - you have a person posting on bp as TS Ashley Paleta, with a phone number matched to Ashley Paleta, and photos matching a video on posted as Ashley Paleta. Also a recent review on ter with same phone number and tumblr account. I do not have VIP access, but reviewer states he would repeat. That's about as good of intel as you could expect, short of a review here by a vetted member
Thanks. Looks promising
Any insight on TS Ashley Paleta?
  • Kahr
  • 09-24-2015, 07:17 PM
Thanks TL! I was thinking I saw somewhere that she was real.
albadia's Avatar
she is real, she is a TS i have seen her many times , I just happen to not post a review of her yet, very real and feminine.
Teddie369's Avatar
Paleta means lollipop in Spanish. Makes more sense now that we know she's a TS.
If you do a little research, she has a number of reviews on here and on TER. If I recall correctly, she kind of had a mixed set of reviews. but the pics are real.