Does she really think this is good for business on her ad

wellendowed1911's Avatar
JS is that ad on eccie? Where's the link?
skindiving's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
Creepy Originally Posted by skindiving
says the Guy whose avatar shows someone licking a banana instead of a Pimp's face, LOL..
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think an ad agency set it up, we are supposed to imagine her licking R. Kelly, the image is telling us her sexual power transformed R. Kelly away from teens, and towards a grown-ass woman..
dtymh55's Avatar
Who is the guy? Her pimp or hubby.Pass.
I so wanna fuck her based off the reviews
bobby earl's Avatar
Well someone ways brave enough to see her and posted a review
That girl is gooooooood lookin. ..I wonder if her hats off bj is cim...
Fucking gross
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-24-2015, 06:31 PM
Ad is down but google to the rescue, brother man is in the fourth pic.
I'm going to say BF or Pimp.. That must be his red sneaker in the corner of pic #7
She got a review on here..... I might toftt and her fb might take two if he gets out of hand.
  • vin
  • 09-26-2015, 02:40 PM