Canada's new anti john law

I know there's a Canada forum but it's really dead so thought I'd ask here . Back in dec 2014 a new law went into effect that provides harsh penalties for clients . As best I can tell it isn't being enforced , at least in the larger cities . I am going to Montreal and any heads up anyone can give would be appreciated .
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Bill C-36
Well it hasn't been reinforce yet anywhere in Canada to my knowledge..Things to keep in mind that will make you stay out of the troubles
- Do not discuss services....By the new laws if you communicate in order to pay/solicitate for sexual services you can get in trouble
-Do not see none reviewed girls it will help with point 1
-You will get in trouble if you hire a lady that is under 18
Brief in some ways its like USA the only difference is they believe we are all victims of Johns lol
-Having a reference even though i think that most agencies in montreal dont require is useful
You are allow to hire an escort for companionship
They are several boards you can register for Montreal that are far more active than here..Im not sure if I'm allow to mention..If not mod please remove them merc escorts-canada ter
While i am from there i dont really work there but could recommend few ladies if you wish.PM
Have fun eat well we have wonderful restaurants..Montreal is gorgeous place to visit and live!