(For the TL;DNR version, skip to last paragraph)
So after seeing a few ladies from here, a recurring issue has reared it's ugly head, Junior doesn't seem to want to cooperate. I know that it isn't a medical issue (he works just fine when alone), so this clearly to me is just a psychological problem. I am trying to come up with some ideas as to how to get over this, and two ways came to mind. My thinking is I could either go with a long and relaxed session so as to simply take my time and not have too much pressure, or I could do the opposite, a shorter session with the intensity level cranked up to 11 so I literally have no time to think about it. There are issues with both however. With the longer session, if it doesn't work out early on I think the frustration levels might start to rise and ruin the rest of the time, plus it would be a bit expensive. For the more intense version, that may be a bit hard to find as getting true intensity from someone requires some physical attraction, and considering I look like Quasimodo's taller cousin that is going to difficult to find.
In conclusion, to anyone who has had this problem or know of someone who did, is there a good method to help alleviate this nervousness issue? Any suggestions would be helpful, I'm desperate enough to be posting it on the forum.