Predictions: Pennsylvania Senate:: Fetterman versus OZ

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Who will win and by how much?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Fetterman by 2%.
Fetterman and we hope by allot, OZ is out of his mind.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fetterman and we hope by allot, OZ is out of his mind. Originally Posted by Hdtown
fettersloth is a brain damaged commie be care what you wish for.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
No idea how someone could even consider voting for Fetterman. Oz isn’t much better but at least he’s not literally retarded.

I respect Shapiro for going after Gillece Services, so he’ll probably get my vote.
HedonistForever's Avatar
See my remarks in the Walker thread.

Fetterman may be thee most extremists Democrat in the Senate race. In a time of surging crime, his top priority is to reduce the jail population by 30%. Can't imagine how that sounds like a good idea but that's up to the good people of Penn. to decide. Oz, a heart surgeon certainly isn't dumb but he has the whole carpetbagger thing going against him and he is said to have contributed to the death of 300 dogs in medical research ( how that even rates in a race like this is unfathomable but ) seems like a big deal to some Democrats worthy of spending big bucks to put it in ads.

So, the more extreme the Democrat candidate, the dumber ( not that I thing Oz is dumb cause he isn't ) the Republican candidate can be and still win because it is policies, policies, policies and those are economy/ inflation, crime and education or lack there of which is turning into a very, very big issue all over the country.


And Republicans win 80% or more of all toss up races in both Houses.
Fetterman and we hope by allot, OZ is out of his mind. Originally Posted by Hdtown
At least Oz has a mind.

But even though Fetterman is just saving funeral expenses, this isn’t about him.
It is simply about getting a Democrat in the seat. Fetterman will be put aside and the Governor will appoint another Democrat.

In this case, politics is not local. It is all about keeping the Senate so they can rubber stamp the ridiculous agenda they are inflicting on the rest of us.

Fetterman my about 2 points.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I have the feeling a lot of Independents who may not want to vote for a Republican but see what is happening to our country and they want it to stop, that is why "I don't like the direction of the country rates in the 70's, 80's".

This swings back and for. This time with Democrats in power, justified or not, they will be blamed more than the Republicans will.
fettersloth is a brain damaged commie be care what you wish for. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Sounds like he might be a Republican
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sounds like he might be a Republican Originally Posted by earthlink

nice snarky reply. fettersloth is a radical socialist. republicans wouldn't support his nonsense if you forced them to at gun point.

  • Tiny
  • 10-15-2022, 08:01 PM
My theory is that Oz is the Republican nominee because Melania was a fan and she was going to withhold sex from Donald unless he endorsed Mehmet. For goodness sake, the man lived in New Jersey for decades, and just started renting a house from his in laws in Pennsylvania in 2020. Unlike Walker, I believe Oz is a good candidate, and he deserves to win. But he's not a natural favorite of the Working Man. Fetterman wins by 1.5%.

I wonder if Pat Toomey, the smartest son of a bitch in the U.S. Senate, might have run for re-election if not for opposition from Trump. A pity. Oz would be an acceptable, but second tier substitute for Toomey.

Fetterman's in the same league with AOC. Think of him as AOC after a stroke. That would be hilarious. I don't wish that on her though, because she's going to be my baby momma, and a stroke would severely affect her performance in the bedroom and the kitchen. Except for blow jobs.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
My theory is that Oz is the Republican nominee because Melania was a fan and she was going to withhold sex from Donald unless he endorsed Mehmet. For goodness sake, the man lived in New Jersey for decades, and just started renting a house from his in laws in Pennsylvania in 2020. Unlike Walker, I believe Oz is a good candidate, and he deserves to win. But he's not a natural favorite of the Working Man. Fetterman wins by 1.5%.

I wonder if Pat Toomey, the smartest son of a bitch in the U.S. Senate, might have run for re-election if not for opposition from Trump. A pity. Oz would be an acceptable, but second tier substitute for Toomey.

Fetterman's in the same league with AOC. Think of him as AOC after a stroke. That would be hilarious. I don't wish that on her though, because she's going to be my baby momma, and a stroke would severely affect her performance in the bedroom and the kitchen. Except for blow jobs. Originally Posted by Tiny
And Bobby Kennedy lived in Massachusetts until he moved to New York to run for office.
Plus, Hillary Clinton never lived in New York until she wanted to be a senator.
Wanna talk carpet baggers, how about a military brat who never stayed in one place more than two years. What is their state or residence? John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Oz by 3 , if Walker is a bad candidate, fetter man says hold my beer.
HedonistForever's Avatar
They are two of the worst candidates of all the candidates but the people of Penn. should decide if they want more of what they have been experiencing with inflation, the border, crime and education or a new direction for the country.

Every poll no matter who takes it, gets the same results. The majority think we are headed in the wrong direction therefore it is time to change direction.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
They are two of the worst candidates of all the candidates but the people of Penn. should decide if they want more of what they have been experiencing with inflation, the border, crime and education or a new direction for the country.

Every poll no matter who takes it, gets the same results. The majority think we are headed in the wrong direction therefore it is time to change direction. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Be fair.

You are correct on the polls but what you fail to mention is that the results under Trump were more negative than under Biden. Right before Trump left office, the "wrong track" hit an all time high of 80%. In his last year in office he was over 70% most of the time. Biden was at 50% in May of 2021 and is now at 71% "wrong track". Biden's current standing is nothing to brag about, until you compare it to Trump's.