Biden says the economy I fantastic

oilfieldace's Avatar
I guess his is considering all the money he has personally received from China, Russia and Ukraine . You go Joe, get you another ice cream with sprinkles
adav8s28's Avatar
I guess his is considering all the money he has personally received from China, Russia and Ukraine . You go Joe, get you another ice cream with sprinkles Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Senator Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell has received more money from China than Joe and Hunter Biden combined.

Biden hit 5.7% GDP. That was the number that Trump was suppose to hit with his Corporate tax cut for the 1%. Instead Trump did same 2% that Obama was doing.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Pretending the economy isn’t a train wreck won’t help get democrats elected. People are reminded it is every time they buy something. They know the midterms are going to be a bloodbath and will start blaming republicans for the recession, which everyone knows we’re already in, regardless of their redefinition, before the polls close. Wait and see.
Senator Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell has received more money from China than Joe and Hunter Biden combined.

Biden hit 5.7% GDP. That was the number that Trump was suppose to hit with his Corporate tax cut for the 1%. Instead Trump did same 2% that Obama was doing. Originally Posted by adav8s28

You really can't go by just this simple chart. Policy changes often take 6 months to 18 months to actually become apparent. Plus Covid totally screwed up numbers comparison for a couple years, might as well throw them out.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You really can't go by just this simple chart. Policy changes often take 6 months to 18 months to actually become apparent. Plus Covid totally screwed up numbers comparison for a couple years, might as well throw them out. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Very true on Covid impact. Unemployment hit 14% under Trump in 2020. GDP in 2020 was the worst in 50 years. I put no blame on Trump. Same with inflation today. The inflation rate in countries like the U.K., Germany, Italy and many other European countries is worse than in the U.S. Simple supply-demand economics. Will it hurt Democrats at the voting booth? Most definietly.