The Vent Thread

Reincarnated's Avatar
This is the VENT thread. What ever you feel like bitching about, get it out! Mods if this is the wrong place, just move it...

I'll start.

Why is it that when I make money it's OUR money but when my SO makes the money it's her money? Why is it when I tell her that we are tight on money and to be careful what she spends, it doesn't cross her mind that a $120 hair cut, $60 1 hour massage and $75 new nails and pedicure don't count? Argh!

Your turn...this should be interesting....Homer13 and Rockerick please be gentle if you join in....
tarangtarang's Avatar
Why is it that when I make money it's OUR money but when my SO makes the money it's her money? Why is it when I tell her that we are tight on money and to be careful what she spends, it doesn't cross her mind that a $120 hair cut, $60 1 hour massage and $75 new nails and pedicure don't count? Argh! Originally Posted by Reincarnated
Damn right! Fuck this sytesm which made such rules/etiquette like the guy has to get on his knees to ask a lady to marry him, hold the door open for her ; these norms are propagating this belief forward through the generations that guy's money is OUR money, girl's is HERS.

I have been burnt in the past. Had to give it back to her when she asked in a car dealership "honey would u be able to pay it off in 36 months?" I had to tell her that oh yeah 400 from my salary, 400 from ur salary per month and we are good to go. Should have seen that look on her face.
Whispers's Avatar
Why is it with all the out of work tech worker with masters and PHD's as well as the recent college graduates that stuck in school far longer than needed because of the dismal job offerings that some basic life skills like "Waiting Tables 101" is not required instead of useless shit like philosophy?

Austin has the worse wait staff in the restaurant industry of any city I have lived in....

I ran an ad a little over a week ago for an Admin Assistant and received 117 resumes for a $12 an hour from people way too educated to ever be happy dong the crap we need done for long.....


I'll give you something to really fucking Vent about.

MoPac or IH35 from 7AM to 9:30PM and 3:00PM to 6:30PM.....

Why the fuck don't they push everydam truck off the highway over to the Toll Road that has no needed stop in Austin?

And who the hell is raising their sons these days to feel like a young lady should share equal responsibility and pay her half of the bills and open her own damn doors?.... Oh... Wait.... Never mind.... Let me thank those guys because there is no shortage of young ladies that appreciate old fashioned attitudes in a man that wants to spoil them a little while treating them like a lady! Austin has NO shortage of 18-23yo SB wannabes far less expensive than providers or strippers! Guess there is no vent/rant there...
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-20-2013, 11:08 PM
What the fuck is up with the love of the two party system? Nothing changes. And as long as YOUR party wins, you don't give a fuck what happens....and that's why they keep getting elected...rather than make sustainable changes they can just blame it on the other party and we keep buying the bullshit year after agonizing year...
chefnerd's Avatar
Like my ex-wife -- "What do you mean we don't have money? There's still checks in the check book." Any guesses as to a major reason she is my EX-wife?
ffireman's Avatar
ok going on Reincarnated thinking on SO
so we find her when we are young and get married and fuck like rabbits for 5-7 yrs then the romance you once had for her (in Me) was still there but they lose Interest in how they dress how they smell and even how they look. Me in the other hand always and still am a romantic. I love to wine and dine(use to till the Bid D) and just do anything for her no matter what. SO was always in a nice negligee perfume always wanted to just fuck in the kitchen in the living room on the porch outside it didn’t matter but after a while she loses interest but you keep the spark going till you have no more to give. And then you ask her what did I do wrong that you don’t want to have fun anymore or just go out and be adults like we use to. The answers are always the same but I guess me being the romantic I never lost interest but then again you lose that appeal just because she doesn’t want to dress up, smell nice, look sexy for you anymore. so my question to you even the ladies and men WHY.
ck1942's Avatar

Why is it that a double-VENTED mens jacket is so tough to find. I shifted my wallet to the side pocket of trousers years ago so my single-VENTED jacket wouldn't bulge.

Then "they" removed the VENTS entirely!

Military style! Shoot, I had to wear those jackets/coats more than half my life.

So I gave up wearing jackets except to funerals, christenings and visiting ladies who appreciate the Navy look. Like yesterday, which was a 2 hour romp, 6 jimmies, oral, kitty and anal excursion with a YL (well, she's 37, but that's way younger than me) civilian playmate.

What! This thread isn't about haberdashery! (If you don't know that word, then Wiki.)

I still have that SEG on my kisser from last night.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Philosophy = "useless shit"? Au contraire.

Philosophy is not sitting about with a head in the clouds (not that there's anything wrong with that), but rather, as an applied practice it is about critical thinking. Which when applied outward is commonly known as problem solving. Surely a useful skill for an ambitious employee. And when this critical thinking is applied inward, it can't help but manifest itself in stronger character.

Perhaps some leadership is threatened by subordinates that think well, for the obvious reasons (the emperor has no clothes!). Personally, I can't imagine having employees that don't mentally stimulate me - work can be such work otherwise.
Whispers's Avatar
Philosophy = "useless shit"? Au contraire.

Philosophy is not sitting about with a head in the clouds (not that there's anything wrong with that), but rather, as an applied practice it is about critical thinking. Which when applied outward is commonly known as problem solving. Surely a useful skill for an ambitious employee. And when this critical thinking is applied inward, it can't help but manifest itself in stronger character.

Perhaps some leadership is threatened by subordinates that think well, for the obvious reasons (the emperor has no clothes!). Personally, I can't imagine having employees that don't mentally stimulate me - work can be such work otherwise. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I'll take an ex machine language programmer that took a course or two in boolean algebra over philosophy for my preference in problem solvers. And I want a waiter that can wait tables, a receptionist that can make appointments, a salesman that can sell......

At some point the "upper educational" system providing graduate and post graduate education should prepare students for reality of the shrinking job market as a result of outsourcing. Not a lot of these kids graduating seem to display much common sense....
  • Joan
  • 03-21-2013, 09:59 AM
I'd like to vent about public restrooms being so darn dirty! Corps. Should learn from "Buckees" and keep them spotless 24/7! Now, is that to much to ask? Lol. Xoxo
Tan Khan's Avatar
I'd like to vent about public restrooms being so darn dirty! Corps. Should learn from "Buckees" and keep them spotless 24/7! Now, is that to much to ask? Lol. Xoxo Originally Posted by Joan
I love Buckees and stop by often. I can't stand using most public restrooms especially when you are eating at a restaurant and have to use them. Most Lowe's and Home Depot have clean restrooms
GneissGuy's Avatar
Why is it with all the out of work tech worker with masters and PHD's as well as the recent college graduates that stuck in school far longer than needed because of the dismal job offerings that some basic life skills like "Waiting Tables 101" is not required instead of useless shit like philosophy?

Austin has the worse wait staff in the restaurant industry of any city I have lived in....

I ran an ad a little over a week ago for an Admin Assistant and received 117 resumes for a $12 an hour from people way too educated to ever be happy dong the crap we need done for long.....
Originally Posted by Whispers
Obviously, the solution is more H1-B visas to bring in more foreigner to handle the shortage of "qualified" high tech workers. And then they can take what they learn back to the third world or China.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Philosophy = "useless shit"? Au contraire.

Philosophy is not sitting about with a head in the clouds (not that there's anything wrong with that), but rather, as an applied practice it is about critical thinking. Which when applied outward is commonly known as problem solving. Surely a useful skill for an ambitious employee. And when this critical thinking is applied inward, it can't help but manifest itself in stronger character.

Perhaps some leadership is threatened by subordinates that think well, for the obvious reasons (the emperor has no clothes!). Personally, I can't imagine having employees that don't mentally stimulate me - work can be such work otherwise. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
The problem is that philosophy or other irrelevant courses shoved down student's throat as part of a school curriculum do little good.

I got all A's in my history classes and could parrot irrelevant shit like the date the Treaty of Willston Walls was signed.

It was all promptly forgotten when the course was over.

I learned almost nothing of value from school history class. The time wasted and the banality of the process put me off the subject. I promptly forgot the trivial snippets of info that had been shoved down my throat. I learned nothing of the real lessons of history. I just learned to rote memorize and parrot back the teacher's opinions.

If I actually tried to learn something and think about the process, my grades suffered. My job as a student was to parrot the teacher's opinion.

It put me off the subject. It was many years before I learned the value of history and took an interest. I've learned more from PBS about history than all the history classes I took in school. I'm a bit of a history buff now, but my brainless mandatory history classes in school did more harm than good.
It really frustrates me when people crack gum while they chew it!!!
knotty man's Avatar
why is it ,when theres a cigarette butt in the toilet. We become a marine sniper out on patrol in the congo, but when theres nothing there .were hosing down the floor