I like legs - thighs in particular but.....

OldGrump's Avatar
This theory can apply to that too.

prepare4trouble's Avatar
truer words have never been spoken!
Nice picture
Chung Tran's Avatar
OG, if you like legs and thighs, you're a perfect candidate for KFC's Monday special, a leg and thigh, mashed potatoes, and biscuit... $1.99

oh wait, you weren't talking about chicken? never mind
OldGrump's Avatar
OG, if you like legs and thighs, you're a perfect candidate for KFC's Monday special, a leg and thigh, mashed potatoes, and biscuit... $1.99

oh wait, you weren't talking about chicken? never mind Originally Posted by Chung Tran
KFC lost my business when they quit serving the extra crispy wings with a nice piece of breast attached.

Dang, Chung, you got me sidetracked with food. I was talking about the lovely shape of a lady's thighs that is so nice to kiss and caress from the knees up to the....(to be continued tomorrow).

Now back on topic, I need to ditch my progressive lenses. The large goggles I cover them with in very bright sun attracts too much attention for girl watching and they can still see my grin.

Dang, Chung, you got me sidetracked with food. I was talking about the lovely shape of a lady's thighs that is so nice to kiss and caress from the knees up to the....(to be continued tomorrow. Originally Posted by OldGrump
I am with you OG.

Breasts are great fun but oh those wonderful thighs and where they come together...

Especially if the result of your effort ends with a rodeo ride in a headlock between that pair of bucking thighs.
OldGrump's Avatar
I am with you OG.

Breasts are great fun but oh those wonderful thighs and where they come together...

Especially if the result of your effort ends with a rodeo ride in a headlock between that pair of bucking thighs. Originally Posted by cluelessn1963
Now there's a man who knows what I'm talking about.

It is so enjoyable adjusting to her sensitivity and prolonging the sensation. And thighs tightening on your head is a marvelous feeling. Crap, I just had a session today. I wonder if it's too late to ask that it be extended? I want to do it again.