Fucking worthless!
Originally Posted by SouthernBorn
The review is actually informative and the guy has some balls.To explain more would be to give away ROS info. I've been researching Paris myself as a side trip for my next FKK journey in August.
So why is his review worthless? Is it worthless because he posted in the Germany section? It isn't his fault there is no France section, perhaps they can add one. Takes them two seconds to do so. At least the technical part if they have the authority to add it themselves, perhaps instead of calling this info worthless you can submit a request to staff to add France ?
Since you have offered a very opinionated opinion as to the worthlessness of the review please enlighten us all and tell us why it is worthless?
If you ask me the only thing I see in this thread that is worthless is a state called Arkansas. I think they voted for Trump, there's worthless for ya.
just saying....