Ok Im just more or less wanting some opinions. I have been in the hobby for awhile not as long as some but a few years anyhow. I read the alerts and newspapers etc. And it is becoming more and more dangerous these days. I read alot on here about ladies with management and I have been fortunate to never have had a problem in any of my hobby experiences. Having said that I am always prepared for such. I have my license and always carry either on me or in my vehicle. Ive always left it in my vehicle during the session though. I do have reserves about doing so though because if I am visiting and someone was watching or whatever the case may be I like to know that I can defend myself and whoever is with me from harm if I needed to. My question is more for the ladies but guys pipe up with your thoughts to. If I go into a place to meet one of you lovely ladies, what type of reaction what I get if you saw my uhhh weapon.
OK minds out of the gutter but seriously. Would it be ok? Or is there some type of etiquette?