sure seems like a good idea to me, but even the best of ideas are hard to implement at times. hopefully some of the newbie-friendly providers will catch on and see the list as a positive thing. if not, you are still to be commended for thinking of ways to help out.
Originally Posted by missi hart
Awe thanks Missi, you are my sweetheart!
I have a form on website to fill out. That makes it simple! or again like a charm!
Someone had mentioned how a guy doesn't want to waste time providing his screening info. if the girl isn't going to be available. I can totally understand that.
So the guy calls or emails and only asks... hey you available?
When this happens, most of us girls think that means time waster, put that one in the trash.
Instead say something like: I will send screening info if you are available at 9pm for example.
I couldn't give advice about phone stuff, lol. I am leery about answering my phone unless we have emailed, I have received a p411 request, or I know who it is calling first. I would rather them leave me a message. That is just what I prefer. Not all providers are as cautious as I am over the phone.
Hope that helps. I am sure the ladies who do take newbies know how to communicate with a first timer.