So I Adore a Hard Cock butt do you enjoy a preformance enhancer...

Ms. Athena's Avatar
So no one enjoys a hard cock like me....butt is a preformance ehancer the same thing....
In many ways a hard cock is a hard cock butt in many ways a cock thats is enhanced is different...Please share how you feel and the difference in both...
SlowHand50's Avatar
Since you're not getting much response on this, I'll offer this on my experience. I've sampled one prescription enhancer in an effort to restore some of the msog abilities of my younger years, and it did work for that. Times four or five. But it seemed to also affect my ability to cum. Certainly no premature ejack troubles now, the opposite perhaps. But with the right inspiration from a skilled woman, the problem took care of itself. The biggest negative for me is the price of this drug of choice. But who can put a price on a quality hard-on? Priceless.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I do adore all cocks...I guess more what Im asking is there a different stimuli with the pills? I have found that V seems to work beat in the hobby vs the longer lasting pills that seem to be more hit and miss for hardness and issues cumming.
Now without the pills your cock might not get as hard but seems much easier to cum...
SlowHand50's Avatar
I can't speak to the effectiveness of the blue pill. The one I tried is Staxyn. It's a tab that melts under your tongue, so it takes effect fairly quickly. A nice feature for fans of spontaneity.
finman56's Avatar
I will say I use a generic from ADC, Take it right before appt. the moment we kiss I am rock hard. I can get an erection with out it, but can not maintain it, the peril of being 60. But it takes a special lady to get me off, which is one of the side effects.
joesmo888's Avatar
they are two different things. being hard is blood flow to the penis, guys who have a hard time getting hard usually have blood flow issues as it is.. meaning most likely they have the early stages of heart disease. thats why its important to stay in good shape and eat good, exercise etc if you want to keep the little guy working his best

I take Tstack, which is a legal supplement to help increase my loads, confidence, and aggression in bed. it really works>
it is heart safe and does not cause side effects

as for stimuli I could write a book on that. just remember guys are VISUAL. so looking hot and not looking hot will make or break things. I personally like a woman who wears sexy bra/panties. not a fan of the whole leather thing or looking too emo. but other guys have different tastes