Embarrassing Moment?

  • TX
  • 06-30-2011, 10:02 AM
Ladies and gents....

I started a smiliar thread in the Austin forum and thought I would start one here.

Wanna hear some funny/ embarrassing things that have happen to you while enjoying the hobby!
  • TX
  • 06-30-2011, 12:29 PM
Let me kick things off!

The embarrassing thing didn't happen to me but i was there

I wanted the provider (who will remain anonymous) to ware some high heels and do a sexy strut to me and then strip. She had no problem doing so. She started off just fine and then all of a sudden she fell and twisted her ankle!

After we made sure she was ok we couldn't help but laugh at the what had happen!
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar
Wow, I thought you were going to tell the "moments" that were embarrassing to you not what happened to a "companion."

Well, I will play a long.....one time a friend of mine left right after his appointment without "resting" and it just so happened I was watching him leave and he legs where still weak and he fell down a couple of steps. Of course, I was so worried it ruined the rest of my day.

Another friend walked in wearing eye glasses and when I was cleaning up I noticed he had left them but by the time I called him to let him know that he left his glasses he was 10 minutes away.... We laughed together at that one

  • TX
  • 06-30-2011, 01:09 PM
Thanks for playing along Wet......

You can share any embarrassing things that have happen to you. I just couldn't think of any embarrassing that has happen t to me.
OMGeeeezzzzzz I don't think I want to share right now
foxyred73's Avatar
It would be far to hobby men if I kiss and tell.

Haley rose

Rose are red so are redheads
  • TX
  • 06-30-2011, 03:50 PM
OMGeeeezzzzzz I don't think I want to share right now Originally Posted by **Karla**
Just let it out!

I am sure there are far funnier things that have happen then the two mentioned!
  • TX
  • 06-30-2011, 03:52 PM
It would be far to hobby men if I kiss and tell.

Haley rose

Rose are red so are redheads Originally Posted by foxyred73

No need to mention persons name
things must be boring in Austin now that the Texas Legislature has ended its Special Session..

WetVelvetSAT's Avatar
Just let it out!

I am sure there are far funnier things that have happen then the two mentioned! Originally Posted by TX
Most of us know you don't bite the hand that feeds you especially on a male dominant board.....

Hope everyone is having a good day!

foxyred73's Avatar
I don't kiss and tell but something to think about .....if you are big man who want to dress up

Make sure it fit you.

rose are red so are redheads
My most embarrassing? Easy, and many of you know about this one: Suavely undoing the lady's bra and laying it aside...not noticing that I'd laid it atop one of her lit scented candles.

We were really getting "into it" when she abruptly stopped and asked:

"What's that smell? OHMYGOD!"
Hmm most embarrassing...as I was pulling out she was so tight that the condom came off of me and snapped back at her like a rubber band. It wasn't a loaded condom so there wasn't any mess to clean up. But just hearing it snap back like that was pretty funny.
Marcus78's Avatar
I got one. As I was switching up positions with a lady, she moved her leg back as I was getting up from laying down and popped me in the nose. My eyes started watering and I played it off like nothing, but it hurt pretty bad! LOL I am lucky I didn't break my nose like in the past and start bleeding everywhere. Now THAT would be an embarrassing moment!
I have a funny one....I was with a female that I use to see from time to time..Anyway we had been getting into more and more heated encounters and comfortable with each other with our sexual exploits....She was really into it this one time with some really heavy duty pounding on my part..

All of a sudden she gets quiet, starts to shake and has this hard orgasm...In the midst of her orgasmic bliss...she lets out a bellow of gas from her ass that would have silenced a room..Being the polite person I am after the volcanic explosion...I say, Damn I fucked you so good and made you cum so hard that you ass had to exhale..We laugh like crazy and we go at it again!!