"Institute of Vaginal Studies"

publicenemy's Avatar
Alright now listen up you mugs cus I've had a brainstorm, see.

All of us is spendin' a lot of time on these here boards tryin' to work out some of the vexing issues which occupy our brains, thinkin' too much about our recreation with the ladies. So my idea is, why don't we put some scholar on this stuff, and put his brain to work for everybody's good.

I'm talkin' about endowing a chair. No you mugs I don't mean the kind a chair you sit on! I mean a Professorship, in a college or university somewhere. And I don't mean in some third rate joint like St. Eds either. I mean in some high toned spot, like....Pepperdine University in Malibu!

Yes Malibu. What better place to study dames and how wez all deal with them. Malibu's full of classy poon, and they're all pretty good eye candy too.

So here's what we do, see. We set up a kind a partnership, and I will volunteer to be the leader, cus it's my idea. We'll each pitch in our shares of the doe, and come up with the principal so we can skim off the interest every year and use that to pay out the Professor we hire...an "endowment" they call it.

I'll go out to Malibu and supervise everything, on behalf of everybody, the partners. I'll make that sacrifice. I'll draw up the rules and give the scholar his marching orders so he'll put his brain to work on figuring out why wez do the things we do with the dames, and how the dames feel about it, and so on.

I can see us calling this Chair the "Austin Poon Lovers Professorship in Vaginal Studies."

As part of his duties each year he should be required to put on a kind a show, a "conference" they call it, of similar egg-heads from different sciences like anthropology, sociology, psychology, and so on, on the subject at hand, that being, how can we all understand our preoccupation with the dolls, and their cooches.

And maybe he can start a journal too, a peer-reviewed thing, so these Einsteins of poon can share their discoveries, sort of like we do with the reviews, only more scientific like. What would we call a rag like that anyway? Anybody got any ideas?

At least that's the way I look at it.

Just PM me and I'll let ya know the account to send your contributions.

Now don't get angry now or I might have to let yet have it...I asked ya nice.
Kosher Kowboy could teach that class and could use his red lazer pointer and Powerpoint slides to show the hi def detail of the ladies anatomy.We can do that right here in Austin around a campfire while drinking beer,giving high 5's,chest bumping and farting.
johnnyboy's Avatar
"Einsteins of poon?" Are you talking about the moderators?
Kosher Kowboy could teach that class and could use his red lazer pointer and Powerpoint slides to show the hi def detail of the ladies anatomy.We can do that right here in Austin around a campfire while drinking beer,giving high 5's,chest bumping and farting. Originally Posted by TheCandyMan
Careful CandyMan,
There are those among us that might feel that this type of behavior is unseemly for "grown-up" menfolk!

Regardless of where your idea ultimately lands up, I think it is creative, and your writing was nice to read...
Sadly, Pepperdine is a Church of Christ school and I think that they frown upon vaginas and looking at them.

Try UC Berkeley. The girls might not be as neatly groomed, but they're more likely to take it up the butt.

...wait. Scratch that. I think conservative Christian girls are more likely to take it up the butt.

Lordy. I've confused myself into a corner on this one. Hm. My vote is one of the remaining Seven Sisters. They're all about vaginas. Sadly, their admissions exclude you boys.
publicenemy's Avatar
Hey don't ya worries none 'bout it being a church school and all that, see. I already knew about that angle and I put the fix in, so it's gonna be O-KAY. Just keep thems contributions comin' in. I'm almost to the halfway mark on my goal, thanks to all-yuz swell guys (and the fourteen gals) that have ponied up so far.

Now in orders to save some coin I'll be officing outa my residence there, in Malibu, and I've already locked in a deposit on a joint right on the beach. It's a swell joint too...and affordable I means to say.

Hollywo..uh, Malibu.. HERE I COME!

"You see that building over there. Fifteen years ago I paid six hundred thousand for it. Sold it two weeks later and made a four hundred thousand dollar profit. It was better than sex."

-- Gordon Gekko