warning signs:what to look for

I am suspicious of any ad or web site claiming the woman is a college co-ed. What are your warning signs?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Crown tats on women claiming to be indy. And ads that look like this.

#$%&* YoU tRyEd Da ReSt NoW cOmE tRy dA bEsT 100% vErIfyEd DiMe pEaCe AnD yOu WoNt Be DiSsApOiTeD aNd I nO hOw To TrEeT yOu LiKe dA kInG u R I'm Yo AvErY dEsIrE *&%$# ect
pyramider's Avatar
If they have a pecker. Its a good sign that I will not enjoy myself.
Providers with last names like Banks and Price. Snow is also sometimes a bad sign. White girls who feel the need to state they are white in their ads despite pics that would make such descriptions superfluous to anybody but Little Stevie is also a troubling sign. Also beware of common punctuation marks in the names of a group of girls who either make their appearances on the board at or near the same time or who seem to hang out together (an exclamation mark, for example, at the beginning or end of a name...that's sort of a "cyber brand" or pimp trademark, and is frequently indicative of a stable). Some pimps missed the memo that the foregoing are viewed as dead giveaways by many of us. Sometimes the assumptions will be wrong, but the intelligent thing to do is pick another name, etc., since the foregoing is an accurate statement of the perceptions of many of us. So, if you're truly independent, don't pick those names, ladies, and don't tell us you're white when that's obvious from the pics. And stay the fuck away from crown tats. They'll negatively affect your current career choice, I promise you that. So stay away from 'em even if you think they're "pretty."

Oh, and no worries that pimps will see this and think, "Damn, I better start pickin' me some different names for my bitches." They won't. Just like they won't quit branding their girls. Some poor 18 year old (or at least we hope she's that old) is getting a crown tattoo right now in this city. Besides, even if they did change things up, their next series of names or brands would be just as easy to spot and the word would be out soon enough. The shit that passes for brains in most pimps doesn't lead to much in the way of creative thought.

And, yes, I know we have a few established independent providers with the names listed above. Just assume the foregoing doesn't apply to you. BUT, as a general rule, those names are a really bad idea. The crown tat is ALWAYS a really bad idea. Doesn't mean you can't overcome the stigma if you're hot enough and provide a good enough service, but it's an uphill climb.
What is rhe crown tat?
What is rhe crown tat? Originally Posted by outoftheblue
It's a tat of a crown, dude.

No code to crack on that one.
hairy armpits.

I'm not a big fan of hairy armpits.
Roothead's Avatar
over kill advertising - if you have to say you are beautiful, that is a warning sign.... if the pics don't jive with the adv copy, that is another X in my book....if their reviews noted are by names that I do not recognize, I usually pass.... if they say they are curvy, I interpret that to mean BBW ... if they say they are mature and seasoned, I figure that means they are strippers that can not cut it in the clubs any longer

these are just my perspectives based upon my experiences over the last 20 yrs....
syeira pink's Avatar

(((PIC of a Crown))) !!!!!!!!!!!
Pic of a crown or a titty tatt? Hmmm.....
Thuck Fat's Avatar
Pics of pornstars or stolen pics of another provider
Pics with multiple hits on tineye
A pic with a man's hat sitting on the table or man's shirt hanging on the doorknob in the background
Ads that suggest a potential upsell is in store, 40/60/80/120.....
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
I tell my friends that use bp only to always Google the phone number make sure its the same girl same pics same number / name for at least 2 months...

(((PIC of a Crown))) !!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by syeira pink
Yep, crown tat on a guy is a huge warning sign. I can think of no exceptions to this rule from the perspective of a heterosexual male hobbyist.
pyramider's Avatar
I guess I am the only fucktard that views a dick as a deal breaker. All the rest I can deal with or find a work around.
I guess I am the only fucktard that views a dick as a deal breaker. All the rest I can deal with or find a work around. Originally Posted by pyramider
Dangerously close to a "reach around" reference.

Freudian slip? Not that there's anything wrong with that.