Is there a Doctor in the house?

I think I'm relapsing, and I SO cannot afford good medical care right now. I can feel my cough getting deeper and signs of URI coming back. I have been taking great care of myself. I promise. I think either antibiotics weren't strong enough, or I had too many fits where I could not keep anything down for the antibiotics to be effective. I'm feeling better for the moment, but I can feel it coming back....I think I need more medicine before I guess bad again. A shot in the ass of some strong antibiotics would be welcome.

Any MD's out there with a heart of gold?
Honey D,
Call your doctor and tell the phone nurse the situation. I had a sinus infecton once and when it wasn't being cleared up with the antibiotics, my doctor called in a different antibiotic.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Honey I don't have medical insurance either and I don't want to burn up my tiny little nest egg on medical care.

If I get seriously ill I'm carrying my sick ass over to John Peter Smith in Fort Worth.

I suggest you get over to Parkland ER, if you're too weak to get there on your own go in an ambulance or call a friend.

Pneumonia is not to be fucked with!!! It kills. I had it last winter and it took two Z-packs and a whole sack of Mucinex to get my lungs cleared out. Even after that I was weak and could barely make it thru a day of work, fortunately I don't do manual labor.

Please get this shit taken care of...don't assume it is some seasonal virus that will work its way out in a week or two. If you feel any congestion in your lungs when you try to take a deep breath assume the worst that it is pneumonia and can be fatal!!!
relapses are the worse and are totally exhausting leaving you in a weaken state unable to fight it off. You have to go to the hospital ASAP
GneissGuy's Avatar
Agreed, call the doctor, get a different antibiotic. Take the antibiotic now while you're able to keep it down, rather than getting too sick to keep it down again.

If the cost of the meds is a concern, tell the doctor and see if there's some cheaper antibiotic he can prescribe. The damn doctors have been brainwashed to prescribe the higher priced newer antibiotics. If you don't have an antibiotic resistant strain of whatever, the newer more expensive antibiotics are probably unnecessary.

Mention the nausea. He might be able to give you something for that, or perhaps advice, or maybe a smaller dose you take more than once a day. Maybe a liquid antibiotic you could take in small sips several times a day, or something you could dissolve and drink slowly.

Maybe you can take the antibiotic with the right kind of food or drink. Some chicken soup, gatorade, etc.?

Be SURE to take all the antibiotics for the full time period.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
I forgot to mention Honey that when one of my boys was small he got real sick and I waited too long to take him in. By the time I got him to the doctor he was in such bad shape that they had to put him in the hospital for 3 days and hook him up to an IV drip loaded with antibiotics.

If you can't keep the medicine down you might have to go that route.