Photos in Houston

Providers - I am a Houston area photographer. I have pictures available if you need them for evaluation. I can provide you nicer/artsier photos, or more "realistic" and natural photos. I do not shoot everyone. I don't really charge for this so I only shoot pics for women that I want to, but everything I shoot is yours to keep. This is more the fun side of what I do and I really do it just because I want to. If you're interested, send me a PM so I can check out what you have on there now, and if I want to do the shoot, I'll send you back a contact number and samples if you want. You can choose the type or types of shots you'd like.

I do also teach Photoshop classes so if you want to learn to make your own ads, or touch up your own pictures, you can. Those I do charge for though. . . but they're not expensive.