
How are you suppose to get references to see "good" providers when nobody will give you a shot without references???

It's getting really frustrating... I tried contacting a STG provider, but got a bad feeling when I saw 2 ads from the same person with 2 different phone numbers..
thatdarlingone's Avatar
I’ll see those who don’t have any references so they can get some but I require alternate screening methods in order to feel safe meeting new friends. Any lady you see posting on this site is a safe bet
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto w sexy lady abovepm me for list of reliable newbie friendly gals

ill see you after then.. be back end of the month!!
HoustonRiley's Avatar
There used to be a list of newbie friendly ladies.
How are you suppose to get references to see "good" providers when nobody will give you a shot without references???

It's getting really frustrating... I tried contacting a STG provider, but got a bad feeling when I saw 2 ads from the same person with 2 different phone numbers.. Originally Posted by LilTimmy
Hot Summer's Avatar
How can you be new at this it says 2016 on your profile hun ?
Hot Summer's Avatar
I am very Newbie friendly but I do screen before meeting anyone without references
LilTimmy: Just tuned to ECCIE for the reviews and comments, even though it's not real active in this region. Just responding to STG is a crap shoot more so than ever.